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  1. #1

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    Nosdyn listened to his friend for a moment. He nodded. "I have a really bad headache." He told her casually. Those headaches his endurance powers could not ignore. They were tied to the mark of N'Jal his blood had. He sighed for a moment and tapped the side of his skull. "They've been getting worse." He said. He looked at her calmly. "Let's get indoors so you may help me." He suggested as well.

    He looked at Ealadra. "Let's get back indoors."

    She nodded. "Let's hope you did the right thing in sparing them."

    "They won't ever bother you again, I saw to that." Nosdyn said carefully. As they began to walk something happened. He had a splitting migraine headache at that point. He clutched at the side of his head and was forced to kneel down before them. The headache was horrible. He looked at Kalestiya. "Yes...I'm in pain." He said incredulously. He had no previous knowledge that the mark of N'Jal could cause so many problems for him. He knelt down, and allowed Kalestiya to help him.

    The healing arts she was privvy to were a wonderous mystery to him. The old soldier was just a humble warrior, a sword of combat. He looked at her carefully. The migraines were getting worse those days. He was not entirely sure the cause of them. He knelt down and waited on the girl to heal him or at least attempt to. He was not sure the extent of her healing power, he did not know if she could heal curses and the like.

    Many thoughts passed through his mind at that point of skull splitting agony. He had a vision of N'Jal smiting him with all of her fury. Nosdyn considered what he was seeing for a long moment. He now had a choice to make, his destiny laid with the Dark Elf people...

  2. #2

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    As Nosdyn's splitting migraine forced him to kneel in agony, Kalestiya wasted no time. Stepping closer, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with determination. She had managed to heal him to some extent, but this was something different as she would soon find out. Closing her eyes, Kalestiya attempted to channel her healing abilities, willing the pain away. Yet as she delved into the depths of her power, an unexpected resistance met her efforts —something hindered her connection to his ailment. It was as if an unseen force, dark and insidious, obstructed her path. Her brows furrowed in concentration, her grip on Nosdyn's shoulder tightening slightly as she pushed against this unseen barrier.

    The pain within him was tangible, radiating through the bond she sought to establish. But alongside that pain, there was another sensation—a malevolent presence that seemed to wrap itself around his affliction like a sinister cloak. Kalestiya's focus wavered, her efforts faltering as she struggled to penetrate this mysterious barrier.

    Frustration stirred within her. She had encountered all kinds of ailments and injuries before, but this affliction was of a different natures, something that was more unnatural. It was unlike anything she had ever faced. Doubt crept into her mind, threatening to undermine her confidence. Drawing a steadying breath, Kalestiya summoned her willpower. With unwavering determination, she channeled her healing energy anew, her fingers pressing gently against the side of Nosdyn's head. Her touch was warm and soothing, a stark contrast to the dark influence she sensed lurking beneath the surface.

    It was a fierce mental struggle, as if she was engaging in a battle of spirits—one that she was determined not to lose. Gradually, her efforts began to bear fruit. The malevolent presence seemed to weaken, its grip loosening on Nosdyn's vitality. Kalestiya's brow creased with exertion, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she pushed against the unknown hindrance. Inch by inch, she felt herself gaining ground, her connection with Nosdyn's energies strengthening as the malevolent force retreated.

    And then, finally, she felt a breakthrough. The pain subsided, the oppressive weight of the barrier lifting. Nosdyn's knelt form seemed to relax, and Kalestiya released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Her hand withdrew from his head, and she opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his with relief and weariness. Her breathing was heavy, as if she had taken a long sprint. She wobbled slightly.

    "We... we did it," she murmured, her voice sounding weak. She could still feel a residual presence of what affected Nosdyn, but it was significantly weaker, now merely a faint echo. She gave Nosdyn a small, tired smile, her fingers trembling slightly from the strain of the effort.

    "I managed to break through... whatever that was," she continued, her words carrying a note of wonder. "It's not completely gone, but I believe I've lessened its grip on you. I've never encountered anything quite like this before. It was... challenging, to say the least."

    Kalestiya's heart raced as she looked at Nosdyn, still concerned for his well-being. She hoped that her efforts had brought him some relief, even though she couldn't erase the lingering sense of foreboding that had been awakened within her.

    Merely a moment passed before she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-23-2023 at 03:05 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    After what felt likd an eternity...

    A very long bad dream...a nightmare...

    It was a long last over. The skilled healer DID something to Nosdyn at that point. Before he knew it, the essence of N'Jal was completely removed from his subconcious mind. For a long moment, Nosdyn breathed deeply. He was free from the grip of N'Jal. Nosdyn sighed with relief for a long moment. He nodded after Kalestiya completed her work. He had no knowledge of the healing arts. He DID know that Kalestiya had collapsed from severing N'Jal's connection to Nosdyn. Nosdyn did not think such things were possible.

    The migraine headache melted away. Nosdyn blinked for a moment the effects of N'Jal leaving his body. Nosdyn stood up and picked up Kalestiya. He looked at his mate, Ealadra and nodded. "I am free." Nosdyn said calmly. The girl had saved him from a dark fate. He picked up Kalestiya and took her slowly to her room placing her on the bed. He sat down next to the bed in a single chair and watched her sleep.

    Ealara readied food for them all.

    Nosdyn watched the girl sleep protectively. She made a friend that day...

  4. #4

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    In the depths of unconsciousness, Kalestiya's mind wandered into a realm cloaked in shadow and mystery. It was as though she had stepped into a world between dreams, where whispers of forgotten names and ancient powers echoed through the void. Among the murmurs, the name "N'jal" resounded like a distant, chilling echo.

    Amidst the obscurity, a figure materialized before her. An ethereal being, its form shifting like smoke and light. Its presence held an eerie familiarity, as if she had encountered it in the recesses of her memories. It approached her with an otherworldly grace, its voice reaching her ears in a haunting whisper.

    "Suvryael fe der Lerm," the being uttered, a phrase that resonated with a deep, unsettling familiarity within her. The words seemed to stir memories she couldn't quite grasp, evoking emotions and sensations from a distant past. The being's eyes, like pools of shadow, held her gaze, drawing her into its enigmatic presence.

    "Who... who are you?" Kalestiya's voice quivered as she addressed the ethereal figure. Her surroundings felt both disorienting and oddly comforting, like the embrace of a long-lost memory.

    "In the labyrinth of veils, I am but a whisper, a shadow of encounters past," the ethereal being's words seemed to weave through the air, like a melody carried on the wind. "In the depths of your trials, our paths converged as stars colliding in the cosmic dance."

    "Suvryael fe der Lerm," the being continued, its presence an amalgamation of echoes and ethereal essence. "Amidst the abyss of captivity, when your spirit was veiled, I emerged as the ember amidst the shadows. An unseen guide, ushering you and unlocking your true potential."
    Kalestiya absorbed the enigmatic introduction, a sense of familiarity brushing against her consciousness.
    "In the intricate web of existence, your threads intertwine with a force of darkness, Kalestiya," the ethereal being's voice reverberated, its words bearing both a burden of wisdom and an aura of enigma. "Your fate teeters on the brink of the abyss...."

    "What does that mean?" Kalestiya inquired.
    "Ulay pe xul der thryruil, iem yul elerpe xul swiysef."
    "I don't understand..."

    The surrounding light brightened, its brilliance spreading until it wrapped around her like a cocoon. Gradually, its pull tugged her back from the ethereal encounter, gently returning her to the realm of her conscious awareness.

    "Wait, I don't understand..."

    ~ ~ ~

    Kalestiya's body stirred, a soft moan escaping her lips. Nosdyn, seated nearby, kept a watchful eye on her movements. He observed the subtle shifts in her form, as well as the rise and fall of her chest with each breath. After a few moments, Kalestiya's eyes fluttered open, revealing the emerald depths of her gaze. She gazed at Nosdyn, confusion reflecting in her eyes.

    "Wh-where am I? How... how long have I been asleep?" she mumbled, her mind still foggy from her unconscious state. Her recollection of what had transpired before she fell asleep was a blur, but she could still sense the remnants of what had affected Nosdyn, the shadowy tendrils of its oppressive energy having faded.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  5. #5

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    (In case it's not clear I added stuff from my Solo Quest.)

    He was lost in his thoughts as he watched her. Considering many matters. By that point he no longer felt N'Jal in his body...he was free Considering he was a servant of N'Jal for a long time, at least a century, freedom felt interesting. The headaches were all but gone, and something else had happened, the scar on his hand mended and completely faded away. Nosdyn was looking at his hands for a moment. He looked at her calmly after glancing at his hand.

    He listened to her speaking and responded. "It has been a day." He began calmly. A great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "What you have done miraculous. I did not think severing the grip of a Thayne was possible." He narrowed his eyes. "You are full of surprises." He looked at the door for a long moment. Ealadra, Lydra, and Nosdyn's children were all present. He kept his eyes on Kalestiya. "My lady has prepared food for us you must be famished." Nosdyn said calmly.

    Ealadra walked over to them. "You gave us quite a scare." She began. "Lord Nosdyn has not left your side this whole time."

    He looked at Ealadra. "She has recovered." He said. He looked at Kalestiya at that point. "I cannot put to words the thing you have done for me this day." He narrowed his eyes trying to express himself, trying to find the right words to thank her with. He kept his arms folded across his massive chest. "You freed me from N'Jal somehow." He said to her calmly. "I am glad you have done this for me." He continued. "Is there any way I can repay your kindness?" He asked of Kalestiya.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 08-23-2023 at 05:26 PM.

  6. #6

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    The young healer had heard his words about the passing of a day and felt surprised; the whole ordeal, while it seemed to be very short for her, had taken more time than she had initially expected. She looked at him with wide eyes, still in some degree of confusion and tiredness. "Freed you?" She repeated, tilting her head to the side a bit, unsure as to what he meant exactly. However, Kalestiya realized that now wasn't the right time to inquire about such things; first, she needed to eat and regain some of her strength.

    She slowly shifted her body and rose to her feet, her limbs feeling a little weak and heavy as she did so. Kalestiya glanced around the room, seeing Ealadra and a few others present as well. "Thank you kindly" she replied to Ealadra as she looked at her, giving her a polite curtsey out of habit. When Nosdyn began speaking once again, Kalestiya turned to look at him. At his question, her eyes became a bit more wide with astonishment as she remembered that he was in fact possessed before. A faint smile touched her lips as she addressed him, her tone gentle. "What matters most is your well-being, and the restoration of your condition is its own reward. There's no need for thanks, as I simply fulfilled my duty as a healer." She spoke softly, her words carrying a reassuring sincerity. "Moreover, your hospitality and that of Lady Ealadra have been more than generous since our arrival."

    Her warm and gentle smile was a soothing balm to the room, touching everyone's hearts.
    As the room buzzed with a palpable sense of relief and gratitude, it was clear that her presence had brought not only physical healing but also a sense of hope. Nosdyn's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He nodded slowly.

    As her mind brimmed with questions, Kalestiya's train of thought was playfully interrupted by the gentle growl emanating from her stomach. "Oh dear," she chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a bashful hue, "it appears my stomach has quite the opinion on the matter," she giggled, placing a hand affectionately on her abdomen, as if reassuring her hungry belly. "I guess I am indeed famished," she added.

    Her gaze shifted to her lap, a hint of shyness in her expression. "And, um, thank you for taking care of me," she whispered softly.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  7. #7

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    Ealadra was ready by that point. She went quickly and got them all food. Ealadra brought them food of Dark Elf Ettermire cuisine, and plenty of it. She was a fair cook. She knew her Nosdyn had a large appetite too. She put the food down on the guest bed and let them all eat. She noticed that Nosdyn waited. "What is wrong my love?" She asked at that point.

    He hesitated. "We'll discuss it later." He said and watched Kalestiya eat calmly. The food was hot and there were sevaral differrent selections on a large tray. Nosdyn watched Kalestiya carefully. "Make sure you eat well Kalestiya." He said calmly. Something troubled him but he wasn't sure how to word it. It felt different not having N'Jal in his subconcious mind. He was not sure how to feel at that point. It was honestly a little bit frustrating. He ate carefully though as he watched Kalestiya.

    It was a gaze of appreciation. He could not word how different he felt, he was not an artistic person he said what mattered. He was eternally thankful that she had freed him from a horrible fate he was destined for. He made a lot of mistakes for N'Jal and ultimately she saw him as a disposable asset. That is what troubled him the most.they were all just disposable assets.

    Nosdyn carefully considered those matters. The game gods played with their lives were matters for another time. He ate quietly watching Kalestiya eat. It was almost a fetish of sorts. His children were around them eating calmly. Ealadra was quietly watching him. He knew they would have to have a heavy duty talk at some point. He'd been given a fresh start.

  8. #8

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya happily indulged in the wonderful selection of food Ealadra had prepared for her and the rest. As she ate, she was lost in her thoughts, considering everything that had transpired. She wondered what it must be like for Nosdyn right now, considering all that had happened to him, and the consequences of his possession. She knew this wouldn't be easy for him... or anyone for that matter. As she pondered, she realized Nosdyn's gaze seemed... somewhat fixated. She couldn't help but giggle inwardly, wondering if perhaps Nosdyn had become entranced by the sight of her eating.

    'Well, perhaps it's a way to show appreciation...' Kalestiya mused thoughtfully to herself, considering it might be quite normal to observe with delight one enjoying a good meal. Kalestiya couldn't deny it was delicious, so she savored every bite, enjoying the taste of Ealadra's cuisine. The rest of the company ate in a cheerful and content atmosphere, and the atmosphere felt somewhat celebratory to Kalestiya. She had fulfilled her duty, and healed Nosdyn... and yet, her mind remained troubled, wondering what he must be going through at the moment.

    'He must feel lost right now...' Kalestiya thought, as she slowly chewed her food. She didn't have to ask, she could tell it would be a difficult and complex ordeal. Kalestiya glanced toward Nosdyn from time to time, smiling gently between bites of food, her emerald green eyes carrying a compassionate gaze.

    'Whatever the outcome... He'll be fine. With Ealadra, and the rest of his children, he will be well cared for. He will heal, in time.' Kalestiya reassured herself, a faint smile forming on her lips.

    When everyone was done eating, Ealadra took their trays to be washed. Kalestiya was grateful for the opportunity to finish her meal at her leisure, appreciating Ealadra's hospitality and care. She remained seated on the edge of the guest bed, glancing toward Nosdyn and observing him quietly, sensing an unspoken weight on his shoulders.

    "So, what will you do now? You are free... where will you go?" Kalestiya finally dared to ask, the question weighing on her mind since she'd heard him express gratitude toward her for helping him.

    "Is there anything I can still do to help? You don't have N'Jal controlling your actions any more..." Kalestiya spoke calmly, as if she didn't wish to trouble Nosdyn, or push him to a decision. After all, the matter was entirely up to him.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

  9. #9

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
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    (Note: Ending Post the events of this thread lead into the I am Nosdyn thread)

    Nosdyn considered all that had transpired. It was true he was free from N'Jal at that point. He considered something very seriously for the first time in a long time. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Kalestiya. "I am going to stay in Ettermire." He offered. "For a long time we were sleeping on cavern floors and the like."

    He said carefully. "I have a contact with the Lloth Priesthoood." He said. "I am going to seek to join this city officially." He swore. "Once...I was a lowly Child of N'Jal the same as all of the rest of them." He continued. "I did things in the name of a horrible goddess." He sighed. "Too many sins." Nosdyn carefully explained how it's been for him. "But if Lloth can accept me, there is always hope."

    Nosdyn continued. "It is difficult to explain what it's like being free from N'Jal's grasp." He lowered his gaze for a moment. "So...If there is ever an ally you need for anything you can call on my sword." Nosdyn swore to Kalestiya. Nosdyn stood up. "Since you've been asleep I contacted the Lloth priesthood." He considered his next move. "In about a week the priesthood will agree to see me." Nosdyn said. "Maybe it will be a chance to start over." Nosdyn said.

    "It is good to sleep in a real bed for a change." Nosdyn glanced at his wife, Ealadra. He looked back at Kalestiya. "We don't need the Thayne."


  10. #10

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya smiled warmly at Nosdyn's decision to seek a chance to start over. She wasn't sure why he mentioned the Thayne in this context. "Of don't need the Thayne at all," she agreed. "But as for me, I will always be happy to help others, regardless of their faith. That will always be who I am."

    She took Nosdyn's hand affectionately, and gave a light squeeze. "You will have my blessing always, no matter where you decide to go from here. And I am certainly grateful to have a new friend who shares in my values...

    "Please, don't forget that should you ever need me, I'll be happy to lend a hand. I don't know what Lloth will decide for you, but if she accepts you, that's all that matters."

    With those words, Kalestiya thanked Ealadra for her kindness and the hospitality. She wished Nosdyn the best of luck for his upcoming audience with the priesthood. She hugged Ealadra and kissed Nosdyn on the cheek.

    "I will go and explore the city for a little bit," she said with a warm smile before leaving through the door.

    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

    Click here for Kalestiya's Introduction.

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