The young healer had heard his words about the passing of a day and felt surprised; the whole ordeal, while it seemed to be very short for her, had taken more time than she had initially expected. She looked at him with wide eyes, still in some degree of confusion and tiredness. "Freed you?" She repeated, tilting her head to the side a bit, unsure as to what he meant exactly. However, Kalestiya realized that now wasn't the right time to inquire about such things; first, she needed to eat and regain some of her strength.

She slowly shifted her body and rose to her feet, her limbs feeling a little weak and heavy as she did so. Kalestiya glanced around the room, seeing Ealadra and a few others present as well. "Thank you kindly" she replied to Ealadra as she looked at her, giving her a polite curtsey out of habit. When Nosdyn began speaking once again, Kalestiya turned to look at him. At his question, her eyes became a bit more wide with astonishment as she remembered that he was in fact possessed before. A faint smile touched her lips as she addressed him, her tone gentle. "What matters most is your well-being, and the restoration of your condition is its own reward. There's no need for thanks, as I simply fulfilled my duty as a healer." She spoke softly, her words carrying a reassuring sincerity. "Moreover, your hospitality and that of Lady Ealadra have been more than generous since our arrival."

Her warm and gentle smile was a soothing balm to the room, touching everyone's hearts.
As the room buzzed with a palpable sense of relief and gratitude, it was clear that her presence had brought not only physical healing but also a sense of hope. Nosdyn's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He nodded slowly.

As her mind brimmed with questions, Kalestiya's train of thought was playfully interrupted by the gentle growl emanating from her stomach. "Oh dear," she chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a bashful hue, "it appears my stomach has quite the opinion on the matter," she giggled, placing a hand affectionately on her abdomen, as if reassuring her hungry belly. "I guess I am indeed famished," she added.

Her gaze shifted to her lap, a hint of shyness in her expression. "And, um, thank you for taking care of me," she whispered softly.