(Totes in this one!)

Lorenor found himself waking up in the dirt...in the mud specifically.

He appeared relatively nearby the position of Gum and Cromwell.

Coughing mud that he had breathed into his system he felt like he had a pounding headache. He wiped the mud from his face and stood up, his body glowing and an distinct sense of danger surrounding him. His glowing eyes focused and he was adjusting to the dimly lit cavern. There were naturally glowing fungi present in the cavernous expanse. Further, Lorenor's own body glowed as an after effect of The Holy Light. Again that distinct feeling of danger originated from the area they were all in...not from Gum or Cromwell. Lorenor stood up straight and proceeded to clean himself off best that he could.

He walked over towards Cromwell and Gum.

He looked at Cromwell and nodded to the man with utmost respect. Then he looked at Gum. "Cromwell is a good man, stranger. I can speak for him." He arrived at the last part of Gum's speech. "Cromwell...'tis an honour. My name is Lorenor, I am one of those Paladin folks." Lorenor spoke in a more educated sort of variant of common speak. He then looked towards Gum. "Xangu Basin...you're from Dheathain are you not?" Lorenor was curious about that man. He'd not met many folks from the various paganistic religions of Althanas. He'd only come across Thayne worshipers and a few other variants of The Thayne Codex.

Lorenor could not shake the feeling that they were all in incredible danger. "I guess we're all in this together. No reason we shouldn't work together." Lorenor extended his hand towards Gum so the fellow could shake it, if he so chose. He looked at Cromwell. "Do you have any idea why we are all here...or perhaps...we were summoned." Lorenor mused out loud and waited to hear any sort of answers from Cromwell or Gum.