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Thread: Faith United

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  1. #1
    upon the cheek of night

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    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    I resisted the urge to crumple the letter in my hand, and read it again.

    Lord Breaker:

    We discovered a second gunpowder bomb concealed within the encampment. The man responsible for guarding the area in question will hang soon, unless you intervene.

    It was signed by one of my many lieutenants, a name I barely recognized.

    “Rise,” I called, stuffing the letter back in its envelope and handing it to the messenger.

    “Do you have a message for me to return with?” He asked dutifully, looking back at his sweat-flecked horse.

    “No, you take your time,” I said with a frown, “I’ll be faster.” I let my gaze wash around the assembled soldiers. “Follow behind me at double speed!” I called, “The encampment may be at risk!” A wave of uneasy murmurs ran through the men as I took off, sand spraying from beneath my boots.

    I had allowed myself too much sleep of late. Being the commander of an army meant always being vigilant, always prepared. At least the increased security measures I put in place had worked. They’d found the bomb… and with a chance to examine it, I might be able to track down the bastard who built it. Khal’jaren’s agents could not hide from me forever.

    My boots pounded over the forest floor as leaves and loam whipped in my slipstream. The trees passing by on either side became a blur as I ran, faster and faster, until my feet carried me to the encampment. The guards on the gate let me through with respectful nods, and I walked to the center of the camp as quickly as I could while appearing in command. Shouts and screams drew me to an open area bordered by tall banner poles, each flying the flag of the Faith United.

    A group of soldiers had a lone man pinned to the ground. Despite his struggles and cries for mercy, another soldier looped a noose around his neck, and tossed the coil over a broad pole’s crosspiece. More men gathered round to heave on the end of the rope, raising the unfortunate fellow onto the balls of his feet as he tore at the cord cutting off his oxygen.

    “For the crime of allowing an explosive device to be planted in our encampment,” A lieutenant cried in a frenzy, “you will hang by the neck until dead!”

    “Under whose orders?” I bellowed. My voice nearly knocked the men flat, and they spun towards me, faces guilty and fearful. All except the lieutenant who had called the command.

    “Your own,” he stepped forward to challenge me, “when last you were here, you instructed me that anyone who shirks their duties be put to death.”

    Did I say that? I couldn’t even remember my last conversation with the man. The sleep deprivation was getting to me. I stood strong.

    “Being outfoxed by a clever foe does not mean that he shirked his duties,” I declared, my hazel eyes boring into the lieutenant’s green ones. He looked away, but a defiant scowl stayed on his face. “Cut him down!”

    After a brief hesitation, the soldiers complied. The lieutenant gave me a disgusted look, and then waved to his cronies.

    “Come on lads, let’s away from here. The commander’s gone batshit.” A half dozen men followed him, heading towards the guarded gates.

    “Do you think I’ll just allow you to leave?” I thundered. “Desertion is a far higher crime than shirking duties.”

    “You won’t slaughter us, Breaker.” The lieutenant called back with a sneer. “It’s not in you.”

    I considered having them clapped in irons, but it would only take up space in the cells, and subtract rations from our food supply. I waved to the guards to let them go, and the deserters filed out of the camp.

    “Thank you, my lord.” The man whose life I had saved fell on his knees as if to kiss my metal boots. “I am forever in your debt.”

    “Be grateful by being as valuable to me as the seven men we just lost,” I told him.
    Last edited by Breaker; 01-20-2018 at 11:20 AM.

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