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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
    Level completed: 65%, EXP required for next Level: 3,861
    Level completed: 65%,
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin chuckled, a far warmer sound than most of the people who knew him at this point would believe the alchemist capable of. He scooped up one of the month hard candies and placed it on the counter in front of the now energetic little girl. "There you are little one, one mint hard candy. Now it does have some honey in it for a little extra sweetness, as well as a special ingredient that will make your mouth feel weird for a little bit." His eyes shifted to her mother, pausing again as he took in her features, and he smiled politely. "An analgesic, it will make her mouth go slightly numb. Not enough to affect anything else,
    but her mouth will feel tingly and strange for a while as she enjoys the treat. Now then, what potion is this."

    Nevin's gaze flicked down to the bottle in Rainee's hand. He had almost said that that was not a healing option - but he knew, looking at it, exactly which potion it was. And it confirmed his curiosity - feline humanoids apparently did like catnip. That was one that he had only done a limited run of - and in fact kept in stock because one oddball client loved to come in and get a catnip treat for her veritable horde of pet cats. Last she'd told Nevin, she had thirty seven of the rat-catchers running around her home. He forced his expression back into a neutral, pleasant smile, and nodded, beginning to tally up the things she'd requested

    "The ah, treat potion in your hands is certainly available. General restoratives, I currently have five in stock up here - three are potions that will increase your body's ability to heal on its own, two are salves that can be applied to wounds such as cuts in order to directly stimulate faster healing in that site." He finished writing down the totals and spun it around for her to examine. The salves were slightly more expensive than the general restoratives, while the potion she was holding in her hand and the candy the young girl now had were only a few coins each. "If you're interested I so have a much more potent restorative potion available, but that one is more expensive than the other products in the store." With a nod of his head he indicated the glass cabinet behind him, where a pair of vials were holding a red fluid that seemed to catch and reflect the light more vibrantly than most of the things in the shop did.

  2. #2

    EXP: 28,286, Level: 7
    Level completed: 17%, EXP required for next Level: 6,714
    Level completed: 17%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,714

    Nekoprincess's Avatar


    Rainee Azure Miyami
    Mylie squealed with delight as she took the mint flavored hard candy from the countertop the shop-keep had placed the sweets on. Putting it into her mouth, she giggled as the sweet flavors of honey and mint swirled on her tongue. She felt the numbing effects of the candy take hold and meowed softly in surprise. Her voice sounded softer as she squealed "Mommy! My mouth feels funny! This candy is yummy, but it has a funny effect!" the little girl's tail wagged with happiness though at the candy's divine flavor. Her eyes were shiny as she squealed out "You make a yummy candy mister! But it has a silly effect! I can't feel my tongue!"

    Rainee laughs as she pulls out a large coin purse, taking out the sum she needed to pay for her daughter's treat and her own indulgence, she smiles as she murmurs "Thank you for the info sir, and the explanation on your healing restorative, I'll take whatever you have left of each one along with this one!" she said holding up the shimmering catnip filled potion. Her eyes then fell on the glass case behind his visage. Her nose wrinkled as an interesting mixture of scents came to her keen nose. Her tail twitched as her mind begin to fill with thoughts What potions could he have behind that glass? Its red, it smells almost like blood. What kind of potion-maker is he?

    Her soft silver orbs begin to study Nevin's appearance, he was tall, she guessed close to six feet, his hair was short and shined a bright crimson color, his eyes were dark, a glistening red the exact same color as the potion that glistened like beckoning secrets behind his glass case. He was clothed in a long sleeve shirt and black gloves, she couldn't see any other curious things about him except that she could see a bit of his flesh peeking from the top of his shirt. Her nose wriggled again though as the strong scent of plasma still hung in the air.

    Her questions for the man would have to wait, for now she wanted to taste her little treat that she had gotten for herself. Placing the necessary payment on the counter for the shop-keep to scoop up. She then uncorked the cork protecting her potion and begin to happily drink from the bottle. The pleasure immediately hit her. She felt light, airy, all her worries, her fears, the thoughts of the dark path ahead of her immediately vanished under the sweet taste of earthy mint, catnip and other light delicious flavors that had been mixed into the potion she had just drunk down fast.

    Her tail begin twitching fast, as she first went near her daughter and gave her a warm hug saying lightly "You can have another candy if you want honey. The funny taste is just a numbing sensation like the shop-keep said! It'll go away in time!" she then padded over to where the shop-keep was an asked in a sweet voice "What potions do you have hidden behind the glass case? They smell quite different from the other wares in your shop!" her ears were wiggling as the change in her demeanor was obvious as the cat-nip potion begin to take effect in the cat-mother's body.

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