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  1. #10

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Patiently, she waited, longing to keep the time going, so long as eventually she got out of this dread room. In all honesty she did not know what to do when she got out - she was hoping Nevin would have some sort of understanding of the layout of this place.

    And neither did she truly know how Vitruvion would react when she ended up back on his doorstep? Would she face weeks of pain and forced apology-making like she had done many times before? Would she be dragged back to the Hollow?

    Pausing, she realised that the latter idea was stupid. Vitruvion needed her now, more than ever. Over the past six months she had become vital to his organisation. No matter what may have happened to sever their connection was not her doing. Indeed, she could still feel the pressure of the cuff against the skin at her left wrist - though admittedly, that might be just the manacles.

    An idea struck in her head and as Nevin finished his words she twisted so her back was to him, moving oddly with short motions due to her limited maneuverability. It was all accompanied by the, now familiar to her, shake of chains. As she heard him finish off his description of his power a final decision came to her mind and more eagerly she moved her self back into where she thought the light was.

    Or where it should be, at least.

    And then she stopped, pausing as the young man mentioned the Red Forest. A sigh set into her throat, as she knew he was rather niave in some ways. Any smart Raiaeran never to go there. It was full of horrors, disgust and crimson trees, when despite all the effort to slay Pode, the Forgotten One there. The forest still had its hunger. And would maybe never stop unless a bold magician ended it.

    "Lindequalme, you do not want to go to," she said quickly. "If we must ... I will tell you more about it later, but never go there," she grunted, as she realised just what he might have heard to make him want to go there. "There is a connection to blood. But I need you to look at my left wrist first."

    She tried to angle her body precisely where he was. "Is Vitruvion's cuff still there? And if so, we're in very big sh*t. I can't contact him."

    She huffed through her beak. "Anyway, check the locks, see if you can make something for them ... And then use my blood, Nevin. Not your own."

    "Or use both."

    The thought came to her and she nodded, lifting a single claw to move it closer to the opposite hand. It wasn't that hard to do that. They were shackled together after all.

    "Use both."

    And she began to press into her own flesh.

    It's up to you whether the cuff is there or not. I'll go with the flow as to what got plans either way
    Last edited by Stare; 10-13-2017 at 07:05 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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