Nevin blinked as people ran by his shop outside, sprinting past the glass windows. It wasn't quite the sheer terror that had accompanied the recent attack by Goblins, where utter panic had gripped the citizenry, but it was a bit more than the normal rush that normally happened at this time of day. The alchemist groaned and got up, Aphrael gliding to his shoulder as he made his way to the front door and opened it. Since everyone seemed to he fleeing from the same point he turned in that direction - and paused, eyebrows raising.

The two were quite clearly outsiders - not only by their garb, but also by their mounts. One was a truly enormous horse, while the other was some kind of cow offshoot, distantly related at best - and it was also quite large, large enough in fact to utterly dwarf the small figure riding on its back. Despite the fear and unease in the townsfolk, neither rider nor their mounts seemed at all interested in what was going on. Though the man did notice it, his eyes flicking across the crowd every so often, but they kept returning to the smaller figure riding the other beast. A guard perhaps? A parent taking a child out on a day trip?

Either way, they did not seem to be actively hostile, so Nevin didn't feel any particular ocular urgency in confronting them. He did remain outside though, and some of the people who were rushing by did seem to calm down as they passed him. Probably trusting the healer on his calm, he thought idly. Aphrael trilled a question to him, and he shrugged slightly.

"No, can't say that I do recognize either of them. Or what that bovine being is. I don't typically worry about animals unless it's a common pet people ask for medicine for, or I can use parts in Alchemy." This settled the bird, who joined her master in watching the strange duo from just outside of his shop.