The congregation had trickled out slowly after the preacher finished the sermon that had followed that proclamation. Even now, Nevin could hear them talking amongst themselves about it - some were in disbelief, and worryingly others desperately wanted to believe. It was a dangerous blend - at least it was for him.

He thanked whatever foresight he had had that convinced him to shave his head. If he had come in here with red hair, someone might have gotten curious about him, and with this many people around there is no way he could have gotten away without being revealed. And that would have been more than a bit problematic for him - Nevin couldn't afford to be slowed down now, not when he was so close to finding one of the actual cultists.

So as most of the crowd had trickled out, with a reminder and invitation to return the next day for more of the Crimson teachings, Nevin joined the small group of ‘devotees’ - the men and women who were wearing the blood-stained robes. Thankfully he wasn't the only one who joined them who wasn't wearing the robes, though he did have to take down his hood at this point. No one seemed to pay his bald head any attention though, so he was able to slip by a while longer without drawing too much notice.

”My fellow children, I am so happy to see that our numbers have grown once more! This is a cause for rejoicing.” The cheery voice of the preacher greeted the devotees and the new arrivals - and Nevin - as they filed into a room towards the back of the cathedral. Nevin could see a corridor with several rooms off of it down one archway, and some of the men and women wearing the white robes left, heading down that corridor and vanishing into the rooms. The others remained, murmuring eagerly amongst themselves as they looked at the new members.
The other attention grabbing thing in the chamber was the red-stained metal door that the preacher was standing in front of. The chamber was surprisingly well lit, torches and candles set into sconces at regular intervals around the walls casting a warm glow about the room. The preacher gestured to the door behind him, clearing his throat loudly to draw everyone’s attention back to him.

”In a moment the new devotees will travel through this door, and meet the founder. I will warn you now, that while the Crimson Church accepts all, of our devotees, which you seek to be, we do ask for dedication to the Church. You will need to cast off the trappings of your former lives in the view of the founder. I promise you, all the other devotees and priests have gone through this - even I myself have. He will not judge you, just act as witness to your acceptance of the Church’s creeds.” Nevin was actually shocked at the fact that even upon hearing this, several of the new members seemed to be quite eager, and volunteered to cast off their old lives first. The preacher laughed, a warm, rich sound, and selected one of them,and guided the man through the door.

Well. This was it. Nevin’s ruse would be up - or he would have to fail out at the last moment to preserve his secrecy. He gritted his teeth. It would all depend on whether or not his memories included the person on the other side of the door - were they really a survivor of that insane cult? He would know soon.