Lorenor finsiehd his dealings with the old woman and her party, and began walking in a general direction towards Ruild.

As he walked though, he paused. A daft looking fellow introduced himself and another fellow who was resting by a tree. Lorenor blinked for a moment, the expression casting a shadow across his face. Lorenor was a bald fellow, he lowered his hood at that point. His clothing and simple armour had the markings of some Paladin Order or other. Lorenor found the question a bit odd. The markings themselves weren't immediately recognizable other than the fact that he WAS a wielder of The Holy Light.

Lorenor nodded politely to the odd pair. "...I would rather not discuss the nature of my Order." Lorenor was being as polite as he possibly could, but certain matters...especially that...were quite sensitive to him. He adjusted his gauntlets for a moment or two. And looked at Sketch for a moment. "Sketch was it? And Nevin?" Lorenor nodded again. "My name is Lorenor. I'm one of them Paladin folks." Lorenor still felt odd saying that greeting. It was not too long ago that he was a servant of N'Jal. "Had some prior business in Radasnth got cleared." Lorenor wore a smile on his face at that point.

It was a beautiful day and it was young yet. There was always room for adventure. "I haven't been to Stonevale in some time. Tell me, is Nan still making her fine clothing out there?" Lorenor asked. He was curious about the citizens of Scara Brae and how they were doing at that point. He had not been out that way in some time, but Scara Brae herself was a bustling city in it's own right. Lorenor was not aware that Nan had gone into retirement, and taken in the homunculli named Ezra.

As he stood there, he observed Sketch and Nevin. "You're an Alchemist yeah?" Lorenor asked. "What sorts of potions can you brew?" Lorenor would be interested in Alchemy of course, and seeing what sorts of stuff Nevin could make. Lorenor's ears had caught wind of the adventures of a certain Alchemist in Stonevale. Perhaps...that was the same Alchemist. He rubbed his chin. Lorenor was in full armour and wore a claymore sytle iron weapon across his back. It was crafted in Radasanth style blacksmithing.

"If you need business, perhaps my Order can assist you with a long-term contract." Lorenor said carefully. There was always need for skilled apothecary folks in any good guild or order. At that point, Lorenor turned towards Sketch. "You folks met in Stonevale, I take it?" Lorenor adjusted his gauntlets again. He waited for the two to respond to his questions as he stood there.

A soft and warm breeze was flowing in from the East.