Nevin paused by a tree, stretching out his shoulders and back. This place was absolutely fantastic! Even the plants he did know and recognize were taking on different properties due to the proximity of the sea, and were less the plants he knew and more of closely related cousins to what he normally used. It was absolutely captivating to the young alchemist, no matter where he looked this place was vibrant and lush, full of new plants that were unusual all on their own.

How had this place never been tapped? It was a wonderful gamut of plants and animals that were rarely, if ever, seen anywhere else. He could scarcely believe that no one had ever been here before, but at the same time he knew that most of these plants were only cultivated in special greenhouses to mimic unusual environments.

Cobalt, a few times Nevin had thought he'd seen plants moving - but that was just absurd and he had dismissed it out of hand. Even if something as bizarre as moving plants existed, surely they would be in an extremely remote location, not just in a forest in Corone. Nevin looked around once more - the tree he had stopped by was in a good enough place as any, so he sat down, leaning his back against it as he reached into his travel bag, dug past the plant samples, and pulled out a sandwich he had prepared for his lunch. Aphrael had flitted off somewhere, no doubt to scrounge up food for herself, so Nevin was alone as he started to munch his lunch.