Nevin watched her go down the ship, and he had stood up himself to look over at who had squealed so loudly like that. The man felt his eyes go wide as he saw the two figures - a small child and a rather large man - and several things that hadn't made sense before suddenly clicked into place with almost painful clarity. Now he knew why Lady Philomel had seemed so familiar even though he knew he had never seen her before. And it was why the thought of her having an army of warrior women had reminded him of something.

So, the little one's predictions had come true. That was... Terrifying. Those who could pierce the veil of time would always have tremendous and terrible impacts on the world around them. He wondered if Philomel knew of her daughter's gift. It was definitely something she needed to be aware of - and preferably before any of the foul forces that inhabited this world learned of it. Normally he would never break another's secret - but Celandine was a small child still, and Philomel her mother. If anyone needed to know, it was the Faun - and Vaeron as well, as her guard.

Time enough to share that later - he would be spending time every day with Philomel, training and learning how to use a whip with her. For now, he would need to deal with.... Glenda. The woman's irritation with him would not ruin the chance he had to learn, he refused to let that happen. He took a deep breath and gripped his practice sword tightly.

"Well my friend. It seems that our efforts to find a trainer have paid off in a bounty. I can only hope that our training bears fruit. Now then. I don't know about you, but I think eating fast and returning to... Glenda, will best be done quickly. I also think, finding out from Lady Philomel where she has lodgings on land will be a good idea for myself - I don't think Glenda likes me much. " That said, the Alchemist quickly prepared himself a wrap of food, shoving meats and veggies into a chunk of bread which practically vanished down his throat. He shot a grimace at his friend and headed downstairs, once more subjecting himself to Glenda' barked orders on what to do.

Getting a room on land was a brilliant idea for him. He already had an idea of what those 'inns' were - he'd been in one already. Hmm. Yes, staying on land would be an excellent idea. And it would give him a chance to break this dry spell - the man had been celibate for long enough now. Relationships wouldn't work for him - but his gold would spend as well as any others'. Getting around his issue of showing skin would be the hardest part in that regard, but he couldn't fathom that he was the only customer who didn't want to bare his skin. And he had learned that people here in Corone didn't care about that much about his skin - or blood magic.