He was awake. Ezra wasn't quite expecting such a quick answer to their knocking, but apparently he had yet to go to bed for the evening. Once again, Ezra gave the alchemist a look over. By human standards, it could be argued that the man was somewhat physically attractive. His red hair was definitely uncommon compared to most of the other humans they had seen. But the concept of physical beauty had been lost on the Homunculi; it served them no purpose as far as they could tell. They knew their looks were different compared to everyone they had met, but why did Ezoreth make them look this way physically? Was it some sort of desire to appear like this? Or perhaps it was a side effect of the ritual, perhaps?

Wait, how long had they been standing there?

Ezra quickly shook their head and made their way into the shop regardless of whether Nevin wanted them there or not. The store was rather quaint in appearance, and was designed simply enough for anyone looking for something in particular would be able to find it with ease. There were a few potions on one of the shelves, but apparently Nevin's popularity in the town had increased sales. Or maybe he kept a low stock. Who knew? They kept their back to Nevin, doing their best to not make eye contact with the man. It was already surprising enough that he had seen the runes in their eyes, but what they were about to ask could give some rather unsatisfactory results.

But the knowledge was worth the risk.

"Sir Nevin, I must ask two small favors from you before we begin. First, please close the door. And second, I must ask once again that you keep the knowledge you learn to yourself." They waited for him to close the door before continuing. "You have proven to be quite a capable man as of late. Your alchemical skill saved lives during the goblin attack and word around town has been quite positive. Elthas seems to hold you in high regard, and you have been a curiosity in my eye for some time now. What I ask of you is quite a task, and one I do not expect to be solved quickly."

They shifted in stance, relaxing their shoulders. The first request was an easy one to be fulfilled, but the second would be a little harder to get answered. "I have two requests, in all honesty. If I may, I would like to study under you the art of alchemy. It was very beneficial during a time of need and a skill I could definitely harness." Taking a deep breath, they placed the lantern on the nearby counter and shifted their head slightly so they were looking over their shoulder. The light flickered slightly, the dim yellow-orange of the flame giving a shadowed silhouette to the Homunculi. Nan's shrill voice rang in their head, reminding them of the ribbon in their hair. With a careful reach to not knock into the counter, they pulled the green thread and let their off-white hair descend, revealing its full length. Although the usual braid Ezra had their hair tied into reached to about mid chest, their hair without any braid descended down to their lower back. They gave their head a quick shake, but kept the over the shoulder gaze locked into Nevin's eyes.

"My second request is much more personal in nature, and will require your talents." They reached up to the clasp of the robe, undoing it quickly and letting the robe sleeves slide down from their shoulders until it reached a stopping point at their elbows. The top half of the robe remained undone but hung loosely, and peeks of the Homunculi's back flashed between the long locks of hair.

"Nevin, can you... examine my body?"