Nevin caught the deflation - she seemed to crumple inwards on herself, and for a moment he felt like an utter ass for not just agreeing to it. But he knew that he had to hold true to what he said - for now, at least, he was not a viable teacher for her. But... "zi suppose if it means so much to you, I can have you help me around the shop. Might not be a full apprenticeship, but you might pick up a few herbal remedies and the like."

Then her eyes came back into focus and she stepped closer to him, making him swallow uncomfortably. She was pressing him on examining her eyes, and was once again a fair bit too close and he could smell that blasted floral perfume again. He drove his fingers into the side of his leg, only his clothing preventing him from drawing blood, and tried to concentrate on what she had asked.

"I.... See. Please, Miss Ezra, keep your distance it is not proper!" He coughed and slipped further away, trying to regain some breathing room - not realizing that he had backed himself into a corner of she approached him again. "N-now then. As for your eyes. There were more alchemical runes there, along with one of the other schools, but fewer of the third. I was working on deciphering what I remembered of the tunes in your eyes when you came in - the one I figured out has something to do with preservation, or maybe that means storage or holding? Hrm." He had taken his text with him as he retreated, and now Nevin was holding it up, trying to use the old book as a shield as he fastened his eyes into it. " I believe with more time and study I might be able to figure out more..."