Nevin was walking down the back streets of Radasanth, making sure there were no other traces of the corrupt version of the Church of the Crimson hiding anywhere in the city. He was also checking out the sights, familiarizing himself with the new city that he seemed to be spending and unexpected amount of time in. It was down one of these back roads that he saw someone that looked familiar and he frowned before heading after them.

There was no reason for the boy to be here in the city, but that had definitely looked like Fenn from what he had seen, the off-colored skin and the blonde hair were fairly distinctive. Nevin was just thankful that there was no sign of the massive direwolf that accompanied the Fae - the beast would have caused a mass panic here in the city.

Still he was curious as to what the frozen Fae was doing here in Radasanth, especially in the disreputable portion of town. Hopefully the boy wasn't pursuing a source of the numbing agent to use it to get high again - while the thing normally wasn't addictive, Nevin had already learned that it had a different reaction for the small blonde.

So after him he went, and trailing the Fae as he made his way with a disturbing amount of purpose. Whatever Fenn was here for, he had obviously been here before. Cobalt take it, had the boy actually gotten addicted? If he had that would be a problem - other than taking the boy in and watching over him to make sure he had no access to the chemical, Nevin had no idea how he'd approach getting the boy past the addiction.

So when Fenn headed into one store, Nevin slipped in quietly behind the blonde, taking a moment to let his eyes adjust to the interior lighting of the place. When he could see clearly, his eyebrows rose to his hairline. The Fae child was quickly jotting words down on the counter, trying to sell the man a lavender potion - a potion Nevin recognized as one that had gone missing from his store. So that's where it had gotten to.

He stepped up silently behind Fenn, the old child focused on trying to pawn off the lavender potion. The other adult's eyes flicked to him for a moment before back down to what the Fae was writing, apparently dismissing him out of hand. That is, until Nevin cleared his throat loudly above the blonde's head.

"In actuality, good air, the potion is one I designed that is meant for medicating an individual who is suffering from distress of the stomach." The man looked at Nevin with a confused expression, and Nevin sighed. "It helps with the runs."