The gathered sellswords did not know how to handle the type of situation they were all in.

Nosdyn looked at one of the nearby mercenaries considering everything he had just learned. [i]They have a leader, an Overlord. I should be helping The Goblins. But honour and need of coin binds me to these idiots. That can barely handle themselves in true combat. Nosdyn put his hand to his forehead for a moment as he felt a wave of pain course through this head. Still have to train that power affects me and I have to focus more.

"Are you all right?" A nearby mercenary asked.

Nosdyn nodded. "Don't worry about me, just minor side effects of my power." Nosdyn had connected his mind and consciousness with The Goblin for a brief moment. The Goblins had more intellect than they let in on most of the time. It wasn't a resistance to his ability...but there was something there. Something that Nosdyn had to be weary of. Nosdyn stood up at that point. "Their Overlord is still gathering his strength. And plans something. Likely a full invasion of Stonevale and beyond."

The leader of the mercenaries rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "That sounds bad." He said calmly. "We might not get another chance at this..."

"I agree." One of the other sellswords said calmly. "If they are planning an invasion now is the time for us to strike." The others nodded in agreement. They turned towards Nosdyn.

"What do you say?" One of them asked.

"...I'm hesitating." Nosdyn suddenly said. One of the memories of The Goblin did not sit well with him.

"He knows something he's not telling us!" Another merc said with frustration.

"Perhaps." Nosdyn responded. "But it's like I said earlier. I leave the choice up to you all and you guys seemed to have decided." Nosdyn suddenly turned his attention to their west.

"Actually the choice has been made for you all." A goblin dressed in shamanistic attire walked slowly towards them. He was followed by a squad of his cohorts. [b]"You. Haidian, why do you help Stonevale, you should be in OUR ranks."[/b\ The Goblin spoke with surprising clarity in the common tongue. His voice was a little bit raspy, but he spoke fluently.

Nosdyn looked at the other sellswords. "I am bound to their leader. I have no choice." Nosdyn explained.

"A binding...? I'm surprised Men still know of such ways." The Overlord chuckled. "Regardless, you lot have trespassed on our home. You can not leave."

Nosdyn understood that to be a threat, and stood up. He unlatched his weapon and activated it. He raised an eyebrow when he saw The Overlord's reaction.

"One of those things...? I have not seen one for a long time." The Overlord said calmly.

"You're well informed...." Nosdyn responded.

"It is my job to know of such matters." The Overlord responded. "Regardless, Scara Brae is our enemy. Not just Stonevale, and you have sided with our enemy." The Overlord explained....

And then it all went to Hell.