The group had been walking the trail up the foothills for hours, and so far, none of the mercenaries had mentioned anything about finding any trails. Occasionally, the group would communicate in hand signs, not that Sketch could understand what they were saying. He'd had to leave his lantern and pipe back at the camp, he hadn't wanted to create anything that would alert their prey to their presence.

He'd never felt uncomfortable with being in the dark, his involvement with the Grym had toughened up his psyche pretty well. He wished he knew something about tracking, he felt useless to the group without a target. He tried to focus all of his attention of not making noise, and at least not being a liability.

Sketch tried to keep his ears open as best as he could, determined to not get caught off guard just because he felt discouraged, after all, the second that they caught site of any goblins, he'd be able to do what he excelled at. Nosdyn told him to get one of the goblins isolated, and Sketch knew he could do that very easily. If Sketch was being honest with himself, he was looking forward to being in a fight.

Nosdyn was interesting, he'd not thought it the right time to ask about the blue fellow, but he was interested in his background. The storyteller kept a close eye on the strange man, hoping to gain any clues about him from his movements. He moved in confident, practiced motions, and seemed to be comfortable giving orders.

Suddenly, Nosdyn stopped in his tracks and held up a hand. He motioned to the mercs, gave a signal, and they drew sharp knives. A sound came from in front of the group, and the group began to silently disperse. Sketch moved forward, careful not to make a sound. Sketch held his hand out, and waited. He saw a glint of moonlight flash off of one of the knives as a muffle grunt escaped one of the goblins. Sketch leveled his hand and fired a bolt of malevolent dark energy at the remaining figure, hitting it square in the chest.

One of the mercs put his hand over the goblins mouth, and the blinding energy of Sketch's spell caused the creature to panic in a futile gesture. The mercenaries bound and gagged the poor creature and awaited for Nosdyn to begin his interrogation.