A blue orb begin to flutter down and bounce and hover around the agitated cat-girl's shoulders. It pulsed brightly once before it whispers into the nekojin's mind gently consolingly Don't let your darkness consume you sweet sister! Don't let the pain of your past overshadow the bright future you could have! Come now, a friend of yours is speaking to you! Focus on that! Not fear, or pain or anger at men. Yes, my kind can be asshole, can be greedy and will throw away anything in pursuit of power! But not all males are like that, look for the good in the world! Not the bad! Remember dear sis, I am here if you need advice! Don't give in to the demons in your heart! Don't let that black shard consume and corrupt you!

Rainee's silver orbs still stare darkly at the ominious huge windows glinting in the castle's towering visage. Her tail was twitching still, only slightly as she was lost in her own thoughts. The nekojin let out a meow of surprise when she heard first her brother Omarion's soothing words and then the question her new friend Nevin was asking her. Her eyes look slightly spooky as she whispers "Oh! Nevin, ummm....Mylie...Mylie, is um..." pursing her lips, Rainee pauses her answer as she screams inside her mind Get it together girl! Don't let that pig back at camp put your mood in a funk! You have a goal! To find out what demon is wreaking hell in this castle! You need to save innocent lives! Listen to your brother's words! the bright blue orb pulses in agreement with Rain's thoughts, hovering again around the still cat-mother before settling comfortably on her shoulder and flashing again to let her know her mind was on the right track.

Poking the orb gently, Rainee's whispers softly Shush Omarion! The orb just flashes once then bounces lightly on Rain's shoulder, before Omarion whispers once more in the nekojin's mind Just relax dear sister, think of your little one and answer your friend's questions honestly. Don't worry about the darkness hovering thickly in the air. You'll find the source soon! Rain smiles after her dear angelic brother whispers this in her mind, feeling the tenseness disperse from her body. A more natural smile graces her soft lips as she answers Nevin softly "Sorry, you surprised me Nevin! I have thoughts on my mind....Mylie she is doing well. Though obviously not happy that she couldn't come along on mommy's adventure! Positively threw a temper tantrum when I left her with Mistuki. She's a friend of mine I have babysit Mylie when I can't bring her along." gesturing to the darkness behind them, Rain continues "Its a good thing I left her safely at home though. She'd be a nuisance to have a long on a demon hunt Nevin!"

Looking up again at the castle's gloom she asks Nevin softly "I love her to much to constantly have to watch her and keep her out of harm's way! She, unfortunately is a magnet for attracting danger!" a frown creased Rainee's lips for a moment about the rumors, before she laughs softly and murmurs "Its ok Nevin, rumors happen and unless we prove they are wrong, the rumor about us will just keep floating around!" she then watches as he disappears into the cavernous depths of the castle, the door banging shut loudly behind him. Gulping audibly Rain looks at the orb still resting on her shoulder before she whispers "Don't disappear on me brother! I may need your help once we enter the castle! I sense great darkness inside!" she then stiffens her shoulders and heavily pushes the door Nevin has just opened open again. Her tail twitches like a metronome as she disappears into the castle, the door once more loudly banging shut, was the cat-mother has carefully made her way into the dark castle!