Lorenor smiled at that point. "McKinley...that was beautiful and you sang from the heart. That is what counts." Lorenor said truthfully. "You reminded me of someone I loved a long time ago. A man named Urei. He also vanished from this world. Never to be seen again." Lorenor said. There were some on Althanas who tried to hide the nature of their lovers, Lorenor did not feel shame or apprehension. "I hope Cronen comes back to you some day soon." Lorenor said carefully. He thought about how best it would be to help the girl before him. Lorenor rubbed his chin calmly. "You have a talent. Definitely you should nourish it. The world could use with more Bards, I would think." Lorenor considered the situation.

"We're in The Citadel, perhaps I can help you." He began. "If you want to do some training out in the woods, I can assist you with martial training." Lorenor said calmly. "I wan to help make you stronger so you can protect yourself while Cronen is away. The world is unkind and always conspires to swallow those like us. Who it thinks are weak." Lorenor had been standing the whole time. He looked calmly at The Dire Wolf, and then towards McKinley. "Weather conditioning is also good for training." Lorenor recalled the precepts of his Order. He opened his eyes again at that point. He was well armoured and armed with a claymore style sword. However, he would not bring harm to the mate of Joshua Cronen. Instead, he would train her in rudimentary martial skills. He also recently purchased a shield to fight with.

Lorenor extended his hand towards McKinley. "Come with me. Bring your friend too." Lorenor said quietly. He waited for her response.