.....reth is a strict taskmaster, but fair. I don’t know why people seem to have trouble understanding that. Yes, he asks for a lot from those of us who he has hired, but at the same time, he pays well and he gives us a lot of freedom in completing our duties. So long as we don’t interfere with his work, he tends to ignore us as long as our jobs are done…..
….ear, something strange is going on. The other day………... looked like he had coughed up some blood. It scared us all, but it just seemed to infuriate him. Since then, he’s gotten a lot worse about watching over us. I think he’s getting ready to fire one of us - he’s been asking us all who thinks they could handle another person’s duties on top of their own. I can only think of one reason he’d be asking that. Sti….

Nevin frowned as he tapped one foot against the ground. The book was damp with mold and yellow with age, and large stretches of it were completely illegible. Still, the writing, where it was visible, was mostly clear and crisp, so as long as there wasn’t water damage or mold, he could read the text. He couldn’t tell though if the author was male or female - the wardrobe behind him was no help either, as it contained a mix of clothes for a servant of either gender. He pressed on, casting a glance towards the door to the hall before he continued to read.

...ting weirder. He’s asking for stranger and stranger things - asking us if we know anything about old folklore, or things like necromancy. He’s always been a bit odd, but this is starting to go beyond the pale. I’m no Salvarian, but I can’t say that I’m comfortable working with someone who is delving into places where man is not meant to tread….

….abeth says that he’s been hounding her for information about the Fae, since her family has passed on a lot of myths about them. Honestly it’s a bit of a relief - his obsession with the Fair Folk has distracted him from dealing with the dead. Still, I’m not sure what’s going on with him. There’s this franti…..

…….. Turl is gone. Three now, that’s all that are left. Myself, Elizabeth, and the cook Rikson. There’s a theme here, sadly, and it distresses me greatly. Beth is crucial to him - she knows about the Fae. Rikson is apparently the person who was telling him things about necromancy - odd for a cook to know, but still……..gave him my primer on alchemy. He’s asked me a few things about the subject, but I feel that he will soon be passing me in that. What will that mea…..

This had taken a foul turn, and Nevin wasn’t sure he liked where it was going. That only the people directly useful to this strange ‘he’ that was being referred to kept their jobs was mildly distressing. A few more pages turned, before he found more legible text.

….the Thaynes! I went into town for some supplies. I happened to ask about the others - I figured Beth was sticking around, even without working for ……. Liked the region.

None of the villagers have seen them at all! I couldn’t believe it, so I asked everyone I could find. No one. NONE of my old coworkers have been seen at all, not in months. I’m the only one they’ve seen come from the tower in a long time, and they’re just waiting for the day I stop showing up.

I have to get out. He’s learned almost everything I know. And now I know, as soon as he’s used us up, he gets rid of us. I have to leave, tonight. I’m getting out of here before I conveniently go missing as well. If someone else finds this, a new hire -

Get. Out. Now. It’s a trap. I know he won’t come here, he never bothered with these quarters. But he’ll only keep you as long as you have a use to him, and after that, you’ll be gone. No one will ever see you again. Leave now, go back to your loved ones, it is not worth the pay and the benefits. Leave now, and live. I just hope I’ve decided to leave in time.