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  1. #19

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Stare's brow went high and her eyes went very wide as she listened to the story of ... disrobing. Blinking, slowly, she said nothing and stayed absolutely silent, trying not to make a comment. Even though Ezra had just told Stare that they and Nevin were not intimate, this description was certainly weaving its way to suggest so. Even Stare knew not to go out in public naked, because of the questions that might get asked. Yes, she herself had plumage that covered her entirely, but social ettiquette meant that clothing top and bottom was rather necessary.

    It made her begin to consider what Ezra might have ... below. Though their main soul (for they definitely had one at least) was undeniably neither male or female, it was possible that their body had some form of gender specifics. Would it be male, as Ezoreth had been? Or was it androgynous? Sort of ... just lacking. But then where did they relieve themselves from?

    UGH, ugh, ugh, not whilst drinking this tea.

    Stare tried to keep focused and not let the distaste come to her eyes. She waited until Ezra was finished and gave a few understanding, contemplative nods. The subject had changed to friends, though the ... previous issue was still in the kenku's mind. Desperately she tried to rid herself of it but the curiousity was still there. After all the digestive system was rather a curious thing. Though not many knew about it, Stare certainly did, and a lot else besides. It was what you got from working for a god who was a scholar as a hobby and was coming to more of a greater understanding of the universe every day.

    "Yes, why cannot we be friends?" she tilted her head, trying not to make it look like she was tempted to look elsewhere. Just do not think about it. You cannot ask. It is an utterly, very rude question. "Nevin is my friend ... he is your employer. We have shared many things between us."

    She paused, lifting her tea to her beak, then changed her mind and set it back down again, feeling slightly peaky.

    "Unless you mean yourself and Nevin? I do not understand why that is not possible. You seem close, and have a working relationship. If you are not his sweetheart, then you can be a friend. I would say I am his friend." She paused, thought about, and nodded again.

    "Yes I am."

    Shifting a little awkwardly from one foot to the other she attempted to distract herself from the thoughts that still snuck in.

    "Can I answer any other questions you might have about me? I ... am a kenku, we covered that already. Oh, do you have any of the mixture Nevin made from my blood before. And would it be possible for me to give more for him to work on?"
    Last edited by Stare; 11-21-2017 at 11:31 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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