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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    It was after the events in that seedy bar, after her breakdown, after her skin had leaked oozing black smoke and her very touch destroyed everything around her. Her presence no longer filled the very air heavy with death and decay, although lingering too long would make you feel you were traversing an unkempt morgue or cemetery. It was after her recovery (If you could really call it that) and after she found out she was somehow with child. Now, after all was said and done she sat in the near-empty main hall. Legs folded underneath her as she sat in the chair made of human bone which she so readily spouted her despise for. The intricate red dress which her beloved 'Master' insisted she wore was neatly hung up on a dress-doll in her personal quarters. Instead, she wore a long woolen jumper that extended past her bare knees, its sleeves covered her hands and only her thin fingertips protruded, wrapped neatly around an oversized mug.

    Steam rose from it and despite not feeling the cold Scarlet found herself leeching the warmth from the ceramic. She raised it to her lips and drank deep. Normally she was not one for hot cocoa, or anything else of the sort. Too sweet for her tastes. Yet here she was, drinking the stuff. Perhaps it was Madison's of it that had Scarlet drinking it, or perhaps it was the little writhing ball of soon-to-be-dramatic shit inside of her. Either way, she wanted it. So naturally. She had it. She wanted peace, time away from emotional drama. Away from he said, she said bullshit. Away from silver-haired broken bushidos and amber-eyed playboy dickweeds, away from half-goat self-righteous women, away from thieving little fae who were too chicken shit to do anything and away from snarky bile filled shitty plant people who sit around and complain abou-

    "Mistress Scarlet!"

    Well... So much for that.

    Scarlet sighed as she rose her tri-coloured eyes to Advencia. "Yes Advencia?"

    The demoness huffed. Her tail swishing side to side, most avoided Scarlet when she wanted her 'peace'. Not the succubus. The blonde haired blue eyed girl wasn't afraid of the red headed assassins ire. She met Scarlets inky black gaze with its flecks of fiery crimson and ring of golden with burning blue eyes of her own. "We have a problem."

    Scarlet waved her hand nonchalantly. "Mmm... whatever it is, tell Ulroke I'll get to it later. Don't get his li’l panties in a twist." She closed her eyes again, assuming that'd be that. She had more or less kept to herself since the ordeal, and few knew of her 'predicament.' Those closest to her--Ulroke, Richard, Advencia and Zero (Formally Taka) those were the only ones that knew; and for as long as she could, Amari wanted to keep it that way. Let others assume she was getting a little fat. That was easier. When the time came she'd probably go into hiding. Hell, if Ulroke could do it, why couldn't she? Or she could pay Aurelianus a visit, perchance the fleshcrafter could rip out her intact womb and then she could let it do its own thing. Away from her.


    "What?" Scarlet snapped back. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of an inner monologue?"

    The blonde haired girl shifted awkwardly. "Uhm--no. Not really..."

    Amari sighed as she leaned forward and placed the cup on the large wooden table. "Then what is it?"

    "There's a, uhm.. ’airship’ preparing to land at our front gate."

    "A fuckin' what?" Scarlet stood up straight. Yeah. Ok. This was a problem. "Why the fuck are you in here then? Get the guards out, light the fire arrows." Scarlet started to storm around the side of the table and past Advencia, who quickly followed behind. "Do we have fire mages? Or Wizards or whatever? I want that thing blasted out the fucking sky."

    BAM! The doors to outside flung open and a flurry of cold wind struck Scarlet’s face; she paid it no mind. Cold like this was nothing to her. She stalked barefoot across the grounds barking orders at the slew of mercenaries, assassins, layabouts, thieves and other men of ill repute that lived in the Sanctum. "The fuck are you all doing?! Get up there, get that shit on fire! I want it burning to the ground HALF an hour ago,” she hissed.

    The damn thing had already landed outside the gates. Scarlet motioned for the men to lower it; she'd take care of this thing herself if she had to.

    "What kind of dumb fuck just waltzes up to our doorstep unannounced," She muttered under her breath.

    "A dead one?"

    Scarlet glanced over at Advencia, who offered a small smile. Scarlet returned it. "I suppose so."

    "You know… I'm glad you're beginning to show some sort of emotion again." Advencia crooned as she stepped closer to Scarlet, keeping her hand at her side, on her dagger ready to defend the redhead.

    "Really? And here I thought people preferred me stoic."

    "No. Even Ulroke was unner-"

    "This isn’t the time for this sort of chat. It's useless, filler. Wasting time." Scarlet said as she stopped short of the giant wooden airship, awaiting whoever would come out. "In the end, none of it will matter. Just sit tight and be ready to fire at whatever dumb shit walks out of that ship."

    "Yes Mistress."
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 05:43 AM.

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