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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Scarlet groaned as she pulled up a seat. The place was littered in blood and mangled corpses. Scarlet at least had been someone clean with her disposals. Madison just tore everything apart. Completely ripping anything that moved to shreds. That is, everything but Scarlet. Madison wanted to wait for more people to gather, more people meant a bigger slaughter. Scarlet wasn't interested in that. She was painfully aware of how much time was ticking by.

    Drawing her fingers into her mouth she gave a sharp, shrill whistle. Yet another raven flew in through a broken window and landed in front of her on the table. She recognised this one as Tip, named thusly so for the tip of his beak that was missing. Scarlet sounded sincere, almost regretful as she spoke to the creature. "Please tell him I'm sorry. I'm doing my best to return on time." The raven tilted its head to the side and chanced a hop toward her. "I wouldn't. It'd kill you." The bird made a series of chirrups before jumping to the floor and ripping out an eyeball from a fallen soldier before flying out the window again.

    Scarlet already had the feeling she'd be late.

    "By that I assume you mean some piece of carcass that you stripped off of someone?" Scarlet muttered.

    "Hey now, I flayed off all the oily skin and hair." Madison hissed back. "So you better fuckin' appreciate the effort I'm putting in."

    Scarlet blinked, surprised. "Y-yes actually," she said in all honesty. "I'm surprised in you; if you've gone through that much effort, I'll have to give it a go." She scoffed. "It'd be better than what you tried to give me before."

    Madison seemed content. She clasped her briar-knit hands together as she headed to the bar. "Right. Now, about that drink. You like whiskey right? I'm sure they have some of that here."


    "Oh, hmm, no; not this one. I've had this one before." Madison threw it over her shoulder and it smashed against the floor.

    "Madison, I--"

    "This one?" Madison opened up the bottle, sniffed it and immediately threw it against the wall. "Nope.. Ah!" She picked up a small round bottle. "Yurik's Firewhiskey. You like that don't you?"

    "MADISON," Scarlet repeated, exasperated. "I don't want any. I need to--" She paused. "I need to keep my head clear. I'm still recovering from that whole almost exploding into a mass of writhing destructive energy thing."

    "Oh..." Madison said, and she stood there for a few minutes staring at Scarlet. She made a guttural noise before stomping to the kitchen. She seemed pissed that Scarlet wouldn't share a drink with her. What was the assassin supposed to do? The last thing she needed was Lye getting even angrier at her because she chose to go and get wasted whilst she was quite possibly carrying his child. He claimed it was his but she could see the uncertainty in his eyes. If not his, then whose?

    Madison returned shortly after with a plate and set it down in front of Scarlet before pulling up a dead carcass for herself. What was before her--well, IF she hadn't known it'd be hard to tell that it had just been stripped from a man. "Hell, Madison, never told me you could cook." The briarheart snorted in response. Clearly waiting for the assassin to eat.


    May as well.

    The plate had a large, three-inch-thick slab of meat on it. Scarlet could tell that Madison had thrown an assortment of herbs on it, she could smell them, she could see them. If anything, it was in slight excess--no doubt due to her friends exuberance to make it taste good. It was shoved between two awkwardly cut rolls of bread and it almost reminded Scarlet of something called a 'Bhurgur' that Vincent had tried to make her eat.

    "You know... I think Vincent tried making something like this once. Yours looks and smells better than his." Scarlet picked up the bun and bit into it. The meat was still tough, but much easier to tear and chew through.

    How to explain it?

    How do you explain the taste of human flesh? Scarlet finished the meal, well, most of it. There were parts that were too gristly for her liking. "That was… decent," She finally said. "Once you get over the whole eating another human thing," She added. "Then again, neither of are exactly ones for morals right?"
    Last edited by Amari; 12-14-2017 at 06:02 AM.

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