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  1. #1

    EXP: 1,875, Level: 1
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 125
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 125

    Avin's Avatar


    Avin Painbringer
    18 (when died)
    Undead Kenku
    "So," I grunted. "You burn and shoot lightning. How fun."

    I shifted my naginata, watching from the branch of the tree I was in. Before me the great beast that I had been told was called Quetzalcoatl by the people it has sworn to protect. Shimmering greens and blues it was nearly fifty feet in writhing length, with a mighty wingspan that was close to the same. Beating it's lofty and feathery appendages it curled around huge limbs of trees and beat thunders of air, literally waves of mighty wind that flattened an oak or two, before lunging at various villagers.

    Far to the west lay their village, almost in ruins now. The fire that had been summoned by the monster, likely by lightening or possibly a dragon-like breath, had been burning for a few hours now. Likely already one entire village had been decimated by this coiling, gorgeous beast. I admired the way it's scales seemed to merge into feathers, and then rise again on its underbelly. Truly, it glistened when it caught the light and I caught myself hungering to just watch in awe.

    There was a flash of a bright light somewhere. A ... Bang of some sort, and it came from the trees to my west. Taking in a breath I gave a last look to the battling monster who was pausing as it balanced on three large tree trunks and had its head thrown back. Then I held tightly onto my spear and began the descent back onto the ground, knowing what I had to do.

    Protect the villagers and calm the beast who could cause whirlwinds with his wings and possibly breathe fire. As I took the last leap onto the carpet of debris, charred matter and dead leaves I saw a ... Well a tattered, skeletal man, who looked just as I really should with gaunt eyes and eerie dead features.

    He held a jingling cross and looked anxious.

    A priest? A dead, zombie like priest. I rolled my black eyes into my grey skull and began to hunker towards him.

    "Quetzalcoatl is not to be killed," I grumbled loudly in order to try to stop him. "Oaths. Protection. S**t like that."

    My eyes glanced to were a couple more men were running down the slope towards the endangered villagers.

    Raising my voice I spoke again, hating it. Man I really hated to talk. It was so ... Ugh.

    "Don't kill him. It," I roared as a general reminder. "Defeat him a bit, calm, rescue villagers."

    Rroooaarrr ... There was a vivid clash of brightness that lit up behind me. Looking around I just saw the final sparks of lightening crashing to burn a human straight to ashes.

    "... Please?"

    Baring myself I slid the blade of my naginata forwards and moved to face the beast.

    In all honesty then, I didn't know if I could stick to 'my rule'. Their rule. Sabazios' rule.

    ((First one he saw is Erik, second is Leopold and his companion.))
    Last edited by Avin; 11-21-2017 at 05:12 PM.

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