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  1. #1
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    "No." The response was strained, one single syllable, two little letters carrying immense weight and annoyance. "What did I tell you, Ray?"

    His companion huffed, shoving her unruly hair back from her face as she scowled up at him. It was the following morning, and Rayleigh was already violating the agreement made the previous evening. "You can't mention vehicles that run without engine or motor, and then expect me to wait a full day to learn more."

    Despite his wariness at her incessant questioning, Vincent felt the smile split his lips. Mentioning the San Francisco cable cars had been a devilish thing to do to the girl, especially considering how tired she had been at the time. Even the magnificent Rayleigh could not comprehend all he told her in the early witching hours. "I told you," he started again, "only questions at night. You should have asked last night."

    Exasperated, Rayleigh threw her arms wide. "I fell asleep!" she exclaimed. The outburst drew only a few glances from passerbys; locals were more or less used to odd behavior from tourists. She was difficult to read beneath the bug-eyed sunglasses she wore, as her eyes were often the most revealing part of her.

    Still, Vince felt he knew her well enough to land one final jab. "Well, stop doing that."

    The brunette paused, huffed, then crossed her arms tightly against her chest. "I outta drown you in that ocean," she muttered, though loud enough for him to hear, her intention from the start. He merely rolled his eyes, the mood growing lighter despite her tantrum.

    They continued to walk, dark concrete giving way to wooden boardwalk, and then ever-shifting sand. The white shells were hot against Rayleigh's bare feet, and her small frame moved awkwardly as she fought to stay righted. Vincent, who had spent much of his time on both Earthen and Althanian beaches, moved with ease. Rayleigh, an Alerarian native, did not. The change of footing did little to brighten her spirits.

    "When you're done pouting," Vince chided her, though not unkindly, "you could help with the mission."

    Her lips pursed. "What is it you want me looking for? I don't expect we'll find any of those statues down by the water." Then, "You're always so secretive."

    "It keeps me interesting," came his answer. They continued to walk a moment longer, an expectant still hanging between them. Little did Rayleigh know, Vincent's mind was working as quickly as one of her beloved machines. It raced to concoct an excuse, another part of the magnificent tale, the magnificent lie, that he was weaving for her.

    "We're going looking for caves," he continued, reaching to wipe the sweat from his upper lip. "There are a lot of them in the area, but there is one in particular that I want to look at."

    The thought piqued the woman's interest, though she kept her expression neutral as she asked, "Why?"

    Vincent cast a look at his companion. He had avoided doing so for much of the morning, as the sight of her in the deep green swimsuit had a profound impact on him. Coupled with her frizzy hair and oversized sunglasses, she looked just like the beachgoers he remembered from Earth. And nothing like the grease-covered junk rat he had found in Alerar. He collected his thoughts, and himself, before answering.

    "There are supposedly some unique crystals in the caves here. While I don't know for sure, they're said to help power these statues."

    Rayleigh nodded. "I see. Was that mentioned in the book they stole from Tarot?"

    Seeing an opening, the scholar answered too quickly, too excitedly. "Yeah, that's it."

  2. #2

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    Vince could swear his pulse was quick enough to feel through his palms as they walked. Rayleigh Aston was the most dangerous mind he’d ever had the pleasure of sparring with. He was also focused on the task at hand. He’d heard horror stories of people getting hurt on rocks back on earth, so he was keeping his eyes peeled for any potential danger. The outcropping was just thrity or so feet away, and the waves were gently lapping against the rocks. It seemed like the tide was going out, so any potential flooding seemed to be a non-issue.

    The water was crystal clear, giving an unobstructed view of the pristine white sands beneath their feet. His steps were slow, allowing the much shorter mechanic to keep up as they ventured closer to the rocks. As they got close, things seemed to liven up a little. Tiny fish flitted from rock to rock seeking cover amongst some light vegetation and seaweed that had managed to take root. Ray peered curiously with each step, careful not to kick up any extra silt.

    “Careful for anything that makes a move for your feet.” Vince warned turning back to her. “Back on earth these tide pools can be home to some mean lil guys.” Ray nodded and turned her attention back down to her feet as they walked on. They worked their way along the wall the water grew deeper until it was up to Ray’s stomach, and each step was more careful than the last. The sand had begun to give away to a smooth rock that was somewhat slippery. They reached the peak of the outcropping and rounded the end, turning to a new portion of shore that had been hidden behind it. Water seemed to sweep into a small cave in a cliff that seemed to rise from the ocean on this side.

    “Looks like our place.” Vince noted scanning ahead. “Stay close to me though, the water seemed to be a little rougher on this side…” as if to answer his words the wind picked up slightly whipping his hair back as a rather large wave swelled against the rocks, lifting him off of his feet for a moment. Ray floundered around for a moment before regaining her feet and nodded, tightening her grip on his hand. The two started down towards the cave slowly, pausing with each strong wave to make sure neither slipped or got hurt. It was a slow process, lacking in the scenery from before. By the time the two had made it into the shade of the cave another hour had passed. The two managed to clamber from the water onto a rocky floor covered in slick mud as the stopped to breath and look back at where they had just been.

    “Im gonna portal us back instead of walking back…” Vince muttered shaking his head. “That was obnoxious.”

    “Agreed.” Rayleigh replied turning to glance around. The cave seemed to go further in, but what they could see was breathtaking. The stone seemed to be lined with some sort of blue crystal that let off a soft blue glow. These veins of light seemed to be spread sporadically across the roof of the cavern, seemingly stemming from small blue stalactites. Vince had risen back to his feet and had taken a few steps, but as Ray went to do the same her foot lost all purchase and slipped from under her. With a yelp she began to fall forward, only for herself in Vincent’s arms as he dashed forward to catch her.

    “Are you alright?” He asked, ignoring how close his face was to hers.

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