As he walked in from the back, a sixty year old man pushed back his glasses. The man straightened his burlap apron with one hand. With the other, he was holding a small vial of pills. Hee sighed, mumbling, "They always come right before we close..."

When he looked up, the bottle slipped out of his wrinkled hands.

The sound of glass shattering and vitamin capsules falling like rain echoed across the room. The man's oak colored eyes widened. A faint hint a smile spread across his lips as he breathed the words out. "Miss Knopsnider..."

There she stood, a young girl who once was a violent and heartwarming flame in his old life. She was older, her body more maturely developed, her muscles well toned. She looked... powerful. Her tomboyish persona was exemplified by her humble outfit and the dirt that clung to her frame. She appeared to be well.

He was shocked and relieved all at the same time.

A small smile spread across her face for a moment. She raised her right hand, pulling the fedora off her rich orange hair. Her smile faded, her entire being calm and stoic. This... was not right.

She stepped inside with a steady step. The floorboards ached and moaned as she silently walked up to him. Slowly, with patience and weight in her eyes, the older teen narrowed her peridot eyes. Then, she extended her trim arm. Daisuke gasped when she gave him a firm but gentle hug.

Her words carried the chains of a thousand sorrows. A sadness and violent maturity unheard in his memories of her whispered. "I missed you, Daisuke."

As the last vitamin rolled along the carpet, Daisuke Sirvant returned the hug. "Felicity, dear child..."