Daisuke felt fresh sorrow cross his features as he watched her cry, defeated by herself. He cherished her as an unbiological daughter, but now he understood the pain he brought her.


She did not bother to wipe her eyes. She was so caught up in her bitter tears. Daisuke sat down again, his tears flooding with tears of his own.

For a long time, he watched. He watched as she silently wailed. Her back heaved up and down as she covered her face with her hand. The spilled tea dripped onto the floor. It was just like the salty tears streaming down her face. The half neanderthal was losing control, and not just when her Beserk Rage was on.

She's becoming Ashla and she doesn't even know it...

Daisuke sighed, looking down to the half destroyed tabletop as he spoke.

"I sincerely apologize for what we put on you. But you understand that there is always a choice-"

"-I was a stupid kid!" She lashed out against the air, throwing her left arm as she looked up in unbridled anger. Her eyes narrowed, "How could I have known better? I blindly trusted people then!"

Daisuke shook his head, "And for that, your former mentor and I carry the worst of the blame. She lacked the logic needed to turn my offer down, and I was positive my even untested formula would work well. At first, the results were promising..."

Felicity shuddered, "Then the rage took over."

"Yes," Daisuke nodded in sorrow, "It did."