The wariness in Eteri's voice was understandable - Nevin was wary of getting too close to her himself, especially now that he knew she didn't even know about her own frisky tentacles. Despite that, when she slowly inched forward, he found himself reaching out and slowly stroking the top of her head trying to soothe her fears. He didn't know why she had panicked, but at least she trusted him enough to relax at least a little despite that.

She looked up into his eyes, watching him carefully as she tilted her head into his hand. The silence was a little unnerving, with the only other times she had been this quiet being when she was deep asleep, so when she finally spoke it made him twitch slightly as her voice broke the quiet. His fingers stilled in their gentle scratching motion and he frowned in thought.

"If you're asking about yours, I have no clue why they were ah, massaging me. As for why I have them... Some very bad people yes ago tried to make me into something.
I stopped then, but even with that some of their changes... Stuck." Being trapped inside his own body had been a living nightmarish hell. If all he had to live with from that experience was these threads that now stayed with him, he would have been able to cope - but now he knew that there were other beasts out there that were trying to restart that hellish process.

"Ah, but. I can control them, and I found out I can feel with them. So, maybe it's not all bad news for that." He gave her a little smile before scooting back to sit against the wall.