I huffed, annoyed when he stopped scratching me. I wanted more of those, but I guess... this was somewhat of a serious moment, wasn't it? It had that sort of atmosphere to it. I wrinkled my nose. I was never good with these moments. I would say the wrong thing, or mess something up. I'd get too loud or too quiet. Crap... I'm being quiet now aren't I?

I blinked and watched as he butt-scooted across the floor (like a dog does when it has wormies) till he hit the back wall. I slinked off the bed to follow. First the left hand hit the floor, then the right, followed by my feet, soundlessly creeping forward till I sat just two feet away from him. He said something about massaging? What did that word mean?

"What Massaging?" I asked.

Nevin blinked at me. "Massaging, like rubbing gently on something. I uh..." He averted his gaze from mine. "Does that make sense?"

I nodded. Yes. It did. "So like scratches, or head pats?" I asked. He gave a series of short nods, still keeping his gaze away from me. Gosh I know I had bedhead but I couldn't be that bad to look at. He was so rude sometimes. "Maybe they return favour?" I suggested. This got his attention. HIs dark eyes shifted back to give me a curious look. I elaborated. "Because you give Eteri many massages?"

"I-I what!? No I don't. That's different."

Damn...I guess I misinterpreted it, stupid language barriers. This would be so much easier if he spoke Akashimian, or if we all just communicated by liek dancing, that would be fun right? Wasn't that how bees communicated? Oh gosh! I would love to meet a giant bee and do a dance with it, and see if it understood me. I bet a bee would be a good dance partner, even if it didn't have arms. It'd be able to move its feet like crazy good!

Oh crap...Nevin had been talking, and here I am sitting and thinking about the birds and the bees.

What did he say? It sounded serious. Bad things? something bad happened to him? That made sense. "Is that why you soul is gross?" I asked. He winced at the insult. "Can I see the things? How feel with?"