Nevin didn't know what Ayaka had said to her sister - he needed to look into learning this language that the two of them were speaking. Both women had shot looks in his direction as they spoke, Ayaka clearly unimpressed, and Eteri had focused on his lips for a moment. Had she just told her sister that they had - why did Eteri look so furious? Nevin began moving before he knew what was going on, reacting to the suddenly violent expression on the blue-haired woman's face.

It was an expression of hatred, vile and fierce. A delicate hand rose up, fingers curled up to bare their claws, and Nevin could see she intended to attack her sister. This was wrong, very very wrong, and that expression was completely at odds with how she felt towards her sister. Nevin's hand shot out, catching the wrist, and his soft command made the girl freeze. Ayaka seized this opportunity to spit something out about not being able to handle Eteri as it was, then fled. Nevin watched her go,
and wondered for a minute if he would even bother unlocking the door for the woman when she came back. He shook his head slowly and shifted his gaze, catching the fact that Eteri was trying to slink away.

A single stride ate the distance between them, and he took her shoulder gently in one hand, forcing her to stop and look at him. "Eteri. Please stop avoiding me." For the first time that he had seen, a blush crept up her cheeks, and she latched onto his jacket, her fingers curling around the edge as she stepped up against him. She burrowed her head against his chest and Nevin felt her shoulder shake a little in his hand.

"Eteri sorry. Eteri want to be around Nevin. Don't make Eteri go because angry?" Her voice was muffled by his chest, and it took Nevin a moment to figure out what she had said. He rested his hand on the back of her head, stroking her hair as he shook his head above hers.

"I told you I was staying and that you were welcome to. Meeting your sister has not changed that offer. And I'm not about to forget about you." And that darkness that was hiding inside of her - well. He could deal with that if it became an issue.