Nevin took out two glasses from a cabinet and set them down on the table, and then found one of the bottles of alcohol he kept. He didn't care too much about what kind it was, just that it was alcoholic and would clear his mind and burn his throat. He poured a shot into one glass and threw it back, as Eteri watched him with a tilted head. He winced slightly as it burned going down his throat, then poured more to sip slowly as he sat down. He folded one leg across the other knee and stared at the girl for a long few minutes.

"So, yes. It's not that I dislike it when you wear less clothes. If anything, I like it a bit too much. It's tied to sex as more than just reproduction, and instead for pleasure." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, not sure how to handle this. The fact that she had not considered it before - he paused and tilted his head to the side, watching her closely.

"You said never considered - meaning you didn't before. Has that changed?" If it had, and if she accepted that, then that would be damn good proof that what she was feeling wasn't tied to her cycle. "And, something else to think about. If your sister told some people to leave you and forget about you, or warned them about not being able to handle you, would you have resisted her like that?" It had been a little unnerving to see Eteri fly into rage like that. He still didn't know what Ayaka had said at that point, but it had obviously gotten to the blue-haired girl. Eteri slowly shook her head as she moved forward, perching herself on his lap once more. Nevin took a moment, resting his chin on top of her head before he spoke again.

"You know, having you throw stones at me in the street was a little uncomfortable."