Her head lifted up slightly. “I’m confused…” her brows shifted into a mild confusion that seemed genuine. “I am Eteri…” She wriggled against the binds and her pale chest rose and fell in deep breathes. “Please… Need...you….”

The binds tightened and she groaned as her head rolled forward, a small giggle bubbled out from her lips as her eyes landed on him. “NEed me too?” She asked as she cocked her head to the side. “Would like if always called Master?” She teased.

Nevin froze, staring at the… at Eteri. Unbidden, a memory came back to him, of someone speaking to him. "How long do you think it'd be - before it eats away at the psyche of a person, so much so that they cease to exist?” Was that - was that this, the corrupt soul inside of her eating away at her? Or was it trying to blend with its new host, and using the sex to jumpstart it?

“Master Nevinnn….” The groan from her sounded...more Eteri like, she repeated her words. “Dominate….want...inside…” The last word was growled laced with an unnerving desire that may have been Eteri, may have been the strange piece of soul floating around in her, or her animalistic nature coming through.... Perhaps a mix of all three. She tried to break free of the tendrils. “NOW” She hissed as her lips curled into a snarl.