She tried very hard to not make a sound when the waiter was around, the moment the young man left Eteri gave a gasp and a whimper before slamming her head against the table, hard.

“What put in drink?” She grumbled, her moans sounded hurt and betrayed and for a moment Nevin paused.

“An Aphrodisiac would simulate your cycle.”

“In PUBLIC!” She grumbled as she lifted her head. “I beat you!” she hissed.

Nevin breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she was okay with it. Her sense of hurt stemmed from not being able to fix her urges straight away. Eteri wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted. Nevin normally relented and allowed her to do as she pleased. Not this time.

Not this time.

The tendrils continued to weave around her, now tightening around her legs. One of the thicker ones continued to slide rhythmically up and and down her entrance, pressing hard on her clit. More of them extended over her body, wriggling their way up under her dress and spiralling around her.

“Do you know what Shibari is?” Nevin asked as he casually drummed his fingers against the table.

Eteri shook her head, giving a whimper. “N-no.” She jumped a bit and let out a muffled squeak when she felt more threads slide along her skin, some coiling around her breasts and tightening around the base, while others slipped around her hips to mimic what could have been g-string underwear - if that underwear actively writhed and pressed against her clit and slid between her lower lips. Some also circled around the base of her tail. Even as his threads were wrapping around her, Nevin let out a pleasant smile as the waiter walked back up with two glasses of tea in his hands.

“Thank you.” One dark eye slid to Eteri, who felt the threads on her skin squeeze for a moment as she took the drink with shaky hands. “T-thAaahn..nng..K…” Nevin smiled and covered for her, she was trying so very hard.

“She's trying to say thank you. She shy.” The waiter just smiled and bowed to them slightly before heading off. Nevin turned to Eteri again.

“It's a practice from Akashima, if what I read was correct a method of using ropes on the body to bind and arouse.” He smirked as he took a sip of his tea. “Of course when one was trying to learn a new language, you started with the curse words and the words for sex, right?”

Eteri blinked. “N-no! First learn food...theahh..ah….hmmm…b-basic...greeting” She tried oh so very hard to have a proper conversation. The binds around her form tightened and she squealed, well...started to. She picked up the cup with shaky hands and filled her mouth to avoid any more sounds.