She felt herself being carried away, she felt hot, and she felt pain but she was told not to react to these things. She was told to only react when she became red and she was still white. She could feel a heart beat hard against her ears as she was held tighter against the man’s chest. Eteri felt a hand brush her hair out of her face and she stared up at him with blank eyes.

Who was he again?

She groaned.

“It’s’s ok...we’re almost home… just a little further.”

He sounded frantic. Why? She felt fine. She hurt - but she was told to be fine so..Eteri had to be fine.

“It’s ok, honey. I’m going to help you, these burns aren’t anything, I can help you with them, I have medicine.” He didn’t, not on hand, but he did have the stuff to make it. Burn salve was easy. What wasn’t easy was navigating his way through the streets with his arms holding onto her - at some point, he began wrapping his threads around her, wincing as the burnt parts cracked and broke, revealing bright, pained, crimson again. “Almost home, and you’ll be ok. Oh Eteri, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

“Why is you sorry, Master?” She said, blinking blankly at him. Nevin made a pained expression but bit his tongue. They made their way to what Eteri could only assume was his store… no wait, this place was familiar. Yes. This was definitely his store. Eteri was set down gently.

“Please...go sit down whilst I fix the salve. It - it won’t take long, honey.”

Eteri blinked at him slowly, and the conditioning in her mind prodded her. “Yes, Master.” She went and sat down on the nearest chair and waited. Just as she was asked to do. This man was now her new Master, the old one had been turned into art and now this man was the new director.

She watched him work with shaking hands, he dropped a vial, swore then picked up another. He disappeared into the back room. Eteri was left waiting for several minutes. She wasn’t curious as to where he went. She just...waited patiently.