Fuming, the red faced teen stalked inside again before-

- a skip. -

-Did she just feel...

The physical side effects of anger again.

Peridot eyes widened, almost in panic. As her head started to pound, she raced to the back room. She hastily poured herself a cup of water. Not now! I'm in charge of the store! She pulled out a small, glass vial stock pilled with white pills. She tossed two into her mouth, pulling the water up to her mouth and chugging it. As she lowered it, however, the glass slipped out of her weakened hands.


A gasp was emitted from the girl, who took a violent step back. Heart pounding rapidly, she looked down towards the shattered glass. Sweat trickled down the back of her neck. Paranoia. Dwindling rage.

Once in a while, her blood pressure skyrocketed when she was enraged. Once in a while, she physically got out of hand.

Her body was physically reacting to her rather sudden eruption back with the drunk male. She took the needed pills to force her body to calm down, but... there were side effects.


A bucket, usually dedicated to mopping the floor, was placed behind the counter. The apron was off, Felicity's red shirt ruffled and messy. She was sitting on the wooden floor, close to the metal bucket. She was forcing herself to think happy thoughts. Asking why this was happening now would only make things worse. So, she forced herself to think of puppies and hay bale rides instead. She could not bear to think of strawberries or chocolate, however...

Skin deathly white, she barfed into the pale. Just think of happy puppies. Playful puppies. Sleepy puppies. Bouncing pupp-UGH!


She let out a hopeless wail.