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  1. #1

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    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    For fucks sakes...Ayaka was joking when she said not to bang each other in the room. This was a holy place. Granted, the woman couldn’t give two shits about what was and wasn’t considered holy - still she probably wouldn’t fuck someone in the very room they were in. Probably.

    For once, Ayaka was left somewhat speechless. How the hell was she supposed to respond ot this giant ass of a man. What the hell was someone supposed to say to the man who just admitted...quite boldly so, that they fucked your sister?

    “I fuckin’ hope you used protection.” Ayaka hissed as she slammed a small pipe down on the table. “Eteri, that’s for you. Smoke it.”

    Eteri finally pried herself away from Nevin and stared down at the thin glass object. <”I don’t smoke.”>

    Ayaka sighed heavily, picked up the pipe, lit it and inhaled deeply before blowing it in Eteris’ face. <”It’s just a bit of catnip sweetheart. It’s to help sedate you. The Nepetalactone is destroyed by combustion, so yer not gonna go batshit. Just breathe.”>

    Ayaka watched as Eteri listened, fumbling with the pipe as she drew in a deep breath and, props to her, held it in before coughing it up. <”Do that a few more times.”>

    As Eteri did as she was told, Ayaka turend her attention to Nevin, his snide smirk had left his face now. “What’s got your dick all in a twist?”

    “Minor problem with that stuff before.” A memory, of a different blue haired cat woman demanding to know why his shop smelled so strongly of blood. But he clammed up after that, instead rubbing her sister’s back instead of speaking more.

    Ayaka gave him an incredulous look. “Oh? Spill some and Eteri get all mopey on you?” Ayaka shifted closer to Nevin. Suddenly, suspicious. It sounded as though he had been with more than one catgirl? Was it a fetish for him?

    He frowned at her and shook his head. “No. Different catwoman. Came into my shop and found a spray bottle meant for an old woman with lots of pet cats. I wasn't expecting her to drink the damn thing.”

    Ayaka glanced over to Eteri who seemed oddly quiet, eyes half lidded. The brown haired catgirl sat on the table between Nevin and Eteri and reached out to place a hand on Eteri’s head. <“Head down. Rest.”> Eteri made a grumble but did as she was told.

    “Now. How did this other….girl react?” Ayaka asked, turning her attention back to Nevin.

    “Overly hyper for a time, lost her inhibitions and demanded to know a secret of mine at the time that she had almost figured out. It was like she was on a massive upper. After a bit, she fell asleep - a crash, a hard one.” It had been a bit jarring to see happen. “She was a different breed of Nekojin I think - she couldn't see my soul.”

    “Sounds like a mutt…” Ayaka muttered bitterly. “Honestly...she’d be an idiot not to know what it was. Listen, Catnip ain’t all the hoo hay people fuckin’ think it is. It’s a fragrant plant, some of us have reactions to things that are fragrant. It’s like….” Ayaka rolled her hand over and over. “It raises the senses, why she went apeshit is beyond me. Sounds like she wanted to let off some steam. When burned, for humans. It’s similar to a calming sleep aid. Eteri and I are half breeds. So that’s the effect it generally has on us in smoke form. In regular form, probably make her want to…” Ayaka shuddered. “Rub her face up against you. BUt you don’t have a problem with Nekojin doing that...clearly….” She muttered, unimpressed.

    He raised an eyebrow and shook his head once. “Clearly.” One hand reached out and stroked Eteri’s hair with an oddly gentle hand for such a big idiot. He wasn’t going to answer the suspicions Ayaka had. Fine. “Look, if you’re-”

    <“Is she ready?”>

    Ayaka turned to see the priest, holding a teacup in one hand. <”Yeh…”> Ayaka slid off the table as he approached. Ayaka grabbed it form him and passed it from her left hand to her right, then to Eteri- guiding it into her mouth. Eteri made a displeased noise.

    <”I’s bitter. It’s almost over.”> Behind her, Nevin kept rubbing her back as she finished the drink.

    The priest lifted Eteri’s head up and shooed Nevin’s hand away. <”You stop that now. This is a ceremony.”> The priest pressed his thumb against Eteri’s forehead and muttered a few incantations, when he drew his thumb away. <”Follow me Eteri.”>

    Eteri stood, and followed the priest. Ayaka watched silently, lips pursed. She glanced over at Nevin who was watching, a worried frown on his face. More than he should have been, she had been reassuring him Eteri would be fine. “What the fuck is your problem now, fuck bastard?” He shifted his attention to her, his dark eyes focusing.

    “Seeing her just obey orders with no sign of herself in her reaction is - she was kidnapped I told you. The bastard had some bell that was on a collar - it made her act like that, and it was draining her life force. I killed him, but - well. Bad memory, at this point.” Even so, he was still apparently worried.

    I shifted and slapped him hard on the back, he jolted. <”The old coot’s a good guy. You’re just a fuck buddy. I’m her sister. You think I’m fuckin’ concernin’ now? Wait till you actually piss me off. C’mon. We’re done here. Let’s get you a hard drink. I know I need one.”>

  2. #2
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin sighed and shot one last look in the direction that Eteri had gone, and let out a breath. “Yes. I think some alcohol sounds like a good idea.” He stood up, unfolding long legs from their cramped position, and looked to Ayaka as she stood up too. She grunted and beckoned for him to follow as they walked out of the temple.

    It was only when they were outside that he was able to stand upright fully, and his back protested having had to hunch over to walk. At least when he was sitting down, he could sit up straight. His eyes slid to the brown haired girl walking beside him. “So, how far to the drinks?” For now, he would trust in the two of them to know more about what was going on with Eteri and this ritual.

    “Quick to drown yer dick eh?” She shot back, her eyes shifted upward to him and her normally stoic lips quirked into a smle. “Close. About a five minute walk.” Nevin blinked and tilted his head to the side.

    “Quick to - I don't think I even want to know.” he took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. So, five minutes walk, he could manage that. The two of them walked through the streets, Nevin straining his ears to listen to the conversations flowing around him. He glanced at the short girl beside him and tried to strike up a conversation.

    “So. Priestess and Alchemist? How'd that happen?” It was intriguing, she seemed to be fairly well respected in town for her priesthood, but when she had come to his shop she had been focused almost exclusively in Alchemy. If Eteri hadn't been there, they probably would have fallen into a lot deeper discussion. He actually regretted his reticence back then - he had precious few people he could actually discuss Alchemy with.

    “It’s just a shitty title…” She muttered bitterly. “I ain’t got no fancy ability like Eteri does. So I was never able to help folks move on. Frankly she shoulda been the high priestess but not having a soul makes that hard. Fuckers. So I took up the mantle, its just busy work really. Smile, look pretty. Pat folks on the back as they cry about their fuckin’ dead. Shit like that. Boring. Alchemy? That’s much more interesting. Fuck magic. Fuck being able to touch someones soul. Being able to take a few measley plants and turn it into something that could either heal or kill someone? That’s real power. Ah...we’re here.”

    Nevin blinked, and tilted his head to the other idea as he studied her. Watching her face flit between irritation, to disgust, to fascination was - interesting. She was definitely a passionate speaker and didn't just wear her emotions on her sleeve, she shoved them in people’s faces.

    They arrived at a small unassuming shop with a yellowed door. It had signs plastered all over the windows obstructing the view in. The signs were written in Akashiman so Nevin had no real way of knowing what they said. Ayaka pushed the door open and lead Nevin in.

    Nevin sighed as he realized, that once again he had to duck down to fit. He couldn't be angry about it - it wasn't like people anticipated a foreigner who was so tall coming in. He followed after Ayaka, who seemed to know exactly where she was going.

    The inside was lit by lanterns strung across the ceiling, giving the entire place a soft ambient glow. The bar was empty for the time being, still Ayaka sat right up at the bar and quickly ordered two drinks. He slid into the chair beside her and folded his arm on the counter.

    “Not too dissimilar to why I got into Alchemy. Being able to take plants and the like, and make them into things that could do so much more it fascinated me. I could leave an impact with Alchemy, one that I couldn't in another way back then.” He shrugged one shoulder as the cups were set down in from of Ayaka - the barman pointedly trying to ignore the redhead.

    Ayaka downed her glass with impressive ease. <”Keep em coming; don’t be an ass he can understand you.”> She muttered to the barkeep before turning her attention back to Nevin. She leaned forward and he was suddenly aware of her chest much larger than Eteri’s. Nevin had been smiling at the bar keeper, who had looked to him in shock, until the brown haired girl leaned over. Involuntarily his eyes flicked downwards, and he swallowed once before focusing on her face.

    “It’s a fine art…” Ayaka began, unaware of his eyes. Thankfully. “Just a few drops can result in error. Eteri ain’t got that problem. She can just fuckin’ pull whatever she wants and it works.” Nevin let out a laugh.

    “I've accidentally made myself bald once. Stupid high temperature reaction. Let me tell you, I don't look good like that. And - I've noticed that about her. She's been calming down, but at times she still is a bit - brazen? Unconcerned with consequences, I think.” Nevin picked up his glass and downed it, wincing only slightly at the burn. “Hoo, that's different.” The barman set two new glasses down in front of them.

    <”Thank you.”> He couldn't help his accent, but at least he was gathering more of the language so he didn't sound like a tongue tied infant all the time.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  3. #3

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
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    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    Ayaka stumbled down the streets as she pried open her final bottle of booze. She needed it. Fuck she needed it. What the fuck was that? Who the fuck did he think he is? She was Eteri’s god damn fucking sister. The LAST thing he needed to be doing was talking about - about… Ayaka swayed as she turned to stare at the man who was following her close behind.

    Dark brooding eyes hidden beneath a messy top of red hair. Broad shoulders. Actually...he looked a tad more muscular than she first thought. She narrowed her gaze.

    The redhead didn't seem to notice her glance at first, but when he did he lifted an eyebrow and snorted. “Can I help you?” His voice sounded tense, irritated. He reached up and ran one hand through his hair, shoving some of it back and out of his face.

    Ayaka snorted. “Just keep up. I ain’t s-saving you if yer get lost!” she said as she pointed an acussing finger his way. Dammit. Why did Eteri get to have all the fuckin’ fun. She wasn’t even that much of a sexual deviant.

    Ayaka turned, stumbled, almost fell… then picked herself back up again as she made her way back home.

    “Here we are!” She rose her arms up into the air as she presented her …. Home. It looked small, even on the outside. A single door and window with a tiny garden that looked completely unkempt at first glance. Overrun with ‘weeds’ however, upon closer inspection it was filled with a variety of herbs, mostly poisonous ones. She had grown her own mini alchemy garden in what little space she had.

    Nevin knelt, his fingers gently caressing some of the plants, his eyes sharp and focused as he looked at what she had here.

    Ayaka fumbled with her keys as she trudged up the narrow pathway, tufts of grass grew between the split concrete. “A...ah here we are.. One moment…”


    The door swung open and bounced off the wall, there was a hole in the plaster - this wasn’t the first time she had burst through her entrance drunk. She laughed it off.

    The door lead straight into a large room, which looked as though it was sectioned off. The kitchen sat in the far right corner, covered in pots and pans. To the left was a small table covered in vials and pestles, containers of powders and chopped plants. A myriad of vials both big and small littered the table. Then there was a small ‘living room’ if one could call it that. A small kotatsu table sat in the room, covered with paperwork. The entire ceiling had herbs and plants hanging from it, drying. Ayaka pointed to a door to the right. “Thass the bathroom ‘n toilet’” She stumbled forward a few steps and pointed to a sliding door to the left, it was its hinges and the shoji sheets had multiple holes in them. “Thas my room an you….” She glanced around. “You...sleep….wherever…” She took a step forward but lost her footing.

    There was an exasperated sound of disbelief and a snort, and Nevin shot forward, his long arms wrapping around her waist and holding her upright, her back against his chest. “Can you stand? Or do I need to put you to bed?” His voice was a low growl in her ear.

    Ayaka narrowed her gaze. Was he...coming onto her? She had half a mind to slap him, with force...and claws. Yeh...that sounded good, right across his fucking cheek. Instead she groaned. The room span. “Fuckin….ass…” she muttered as she pushed herself off of him. “What the fuck do you think...yer doing?” He followed her closely, his hands grazed her hips every so often as she tried to saunter to her room.

    Damn...when was the last time she was laid? This was fucked. Her younger sister, a tiny blue haired girl who had NO interest in sex was getting it on more than her and with this...what was he? Ayaka thought he was a whipped pup, but now he was being….”

    Nevin's hands braced her as she stumbled, and she heard a deep breath from behind her, followed by a long exhalation. “I think, that you have had too much to drink. I'm going to put you to bed then figure out where to sleep.” His voice was tight, but - throaty? He made his way to her room and stepped past the broken door, then with one hand on the small of her back guided her in.

    “Me?” Ayaka snorted. “Fuckin...I’ve had more than this!” She held up the bottle and took another swig from it. “Alcohol loves me as much as I love it.” She mused. Her tail flicking side to side, beating against Nevin’s legs. She found her way to her futon on the floor and collapsed onto it.

    The room still span to and fro, but that’s how she liked it. Ayaka rolled onto her back and pressed a hand to her head. “Well?” She muttered. “Whaddaya waitin’ for? A fuckin’ invite?” Why was he standing there? Shouldn’t he go toddle off and find somewhere to sleep? Did she have to tell him how to do everything?

  4. #4

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
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    Ayaka yoko
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    Ayaka grimaced when Nevin tried to speak her language. “Don’t use me as your practise buddy it hurts to hear you talk like that. Eteri may think it endearing, I find it bothersome.” The redhead blinked twice, then looked over at her with a frown.

    “Damn, still that bad?” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck, fuck magic. It's unpredictable.”

    :That’s why Alchemy is better. Magic is a hindrance. Look what it did to my sister. Alchemy is controlled...well…” Ayaka paused and took another drink. She felt a strong warmth hit the pit of her stomach. “Mostly…the amount of times I’ve made myself sick testing my own concoctions.”

    “I've done the same. Had to start keeping general antidotes in my workshop. Those and emetics have saved my life. Or at least, my stomach.” He shrugged and sipped on the drink, pulling an odd face before taking the rest in one swallow.

    Ayaka slapped him hard on the back. “There! Don’t be a fuckin’ pussy. Drink up. God knows we both need it.” Nevin nodded as the bartender set another pair of glasses down in front of them. He picked his up, then tilted the glass to her.

    “Fuck magic, Alchemy is predictable.” Ayaka muttered, bitterly. She had such a distaste for the whole magical thing. She hated it she hated her sister being shunned for not having a soul. What even was a soul anyway? If half the people in this rundown town didn’t have the ability to see them they’d be none the wiser.

    “Fuck Althanas.” Ayaka hissed as she reached over the bar and grabbed an entire bottle and deftly popped of the lid with one finger only to start pouring the contents into her mouth.

    Nevin blinked, and at back slowly as he watched this. He slowly drank his glass of alcohol, and as she continued draining the bottle, he quietly ordered a cup of water and more alcohol - it seemed Ayaka was going to drink enough for them both here.

    Ayaka slammed the bottle now half empty down on the bar. “Phaw….” That felt better. She opened her eyes and her vision blurred. When she drank, she lost her ability to see souls. That was much better. So much better. “I don’t think anything will fuckin’ happen….” Ayaka muttered. “But I’ll check on the dumb bitch tomorrow.” She glanced over at Nevin. “Yer gonna come or?”

    “Yes. I - well. I obviously have an attachment. But you don't think the ritual will work?” His voice was a bit tight. He took a swallow of the water and carefully watched Ayaka.

    Ayaka raised her eyebrow. Why was he so jittery. “No. I don’t.” She said flatly. “Especially if that thing inside of her is a remnant of a forgotten one. I think all that’s gonna happen is that the old mans gonna tire himself out, and I’m going to be left with a very hungry and very irritable little sister. What do you care? Ya think what?” Ayaka clicked her fingers a dozen times in Nevin’s face. “BAM!” She then slammed her hand down on the table. “That some fuckin’ pool o water and incense is gonna fix all yer problems? No. This shit is just another reason why I fuckin’ hate magic.”

  5. #5

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
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    Ayaka yoko
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    “Fuckin….” Ayaka sighed as she pulled away from the tub and pressed her back against the cool tile wall. It helped with her throbbing headache and the heated feeling. “Why are yer with her? What’s with all yer fuckin….changes? One minute you’rea pup… the next you’re….” she gestured drunkedly at him. “This thing! In my fuckin’ tub.”

    Nevin blinked, slowly. Then he sighed and leaned back in the tub. “I'm with her because she - she makes me happy. I'd been alone for a long, long time. A freak, for wanting to learn to help people. Then fucking murdered so some Cult could call up their God. It fucked my soul up, you've seen it. Two people - well. Three now. Have seen that and not cared. The first was my first friend in a decade the second was her. And now you. So I've kept my distance from people, tried to treat others fairly no matter what - I should be a bigger monster than most after all.” He brought a wet hand up to his face.

    “then she came in, chasing fish I had. She wants to fix my soul, to try to prove she can do something for someone, just to do it for them. Somewhere along the way, she started liking me. Which was - strange. How the hell do you react to someone *liking* you for the first time in a decade? Like, actively being interested in you sexually?” He frowned. “Wait, why am I saying all this? I doubt you care… oh, fuck it.” he dropped his head back and closed his eyes.

    Ayaka groaned. “Honestly. No, I don’t really care. It sounds like you just attached yourself to the first person who showed you some sort o’ fuckin...positive attention. That ain’t healthy. Know what else ain’t healthy? Fuckin’ doing that fuckn’ dominating shit to the SISTER of the person yer meant to be dating.”

    He lifted his head, stared at her for a minute, then shrugged. “You might have been right at first. Hell might still be right. But I know she will always have a special place in my heart.” He shrugged slightly then pushed his hair back from his face again.

    “And you, you keep challenging me, clashing against me. I'm not some passive whipped pup. I just choose not to care about most things. Then you come along, all big tits and big attitude and I -” And before he could finish, and it looked like he wanted to, Nevin shoved himself down into the water, and his last words were lost to the bath tub.

    “And what?” Ayaka reached out and pulled his head from the water, yanking him back hard from his hair. “And WHAT?” she repeated. Nevin smacked her hand from his hair and surged to his feet, water cascading down his frame as he glared at her. One hand curled into a tight fist as he snarled.

    “And I just want to take you and make you scream for me and then discuss Alchemy afterwards! Fuck!” he threw himself in the of the tub, legs splashing water everywhere. “Now just leave me alone alright? Fucking hell, why did you have to be, you?”

    Ayaka loosened her grip on his head. Disgusting. “Ugh.” She stood, on wobbly legs and readjusted the towel so it covered more of her form. Such things...weren't really seemed as sexual to her nor to Eteri. The two were used to just galavanting around semi nude and it seemed that Eteri did the same thing around NEvin, which only infuriated him more.

    “You better fuckin’ work out how yer really feel about her.” Ayaka muttered. “I ain’t interested in her sloppy seconds. But it sounds like yer moved into some whirlwind thing too quickly. Stop thinking with yer damn dick and sort that shit of a head out.”

    Before she left she paused. She didn’t quite understand his final outrage, why did she have to be her? “Someones gotta be the bitch.” She mused as she left him alone to masturbate or do whatever the fuck it was he does.

    Dammit...she needed to sleep...and she needed to see Eteri. She also needed to bathe but fuck it...that would wait till tomorrow. Ayaka threw herself back onto the futon in her room and let the swinging room rock her into sleep.

  6. #6
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin had stepped past her. She couldn't see what he could? That this was very, very wrong? That Eteri, his dear, precious light, the woman who actually made him laugh and smile like a normal person, was still as the grave? This was wrong and something screamed at him, that things would get worse soon. Ayaka didn't seem to believe the words that had come from her own lips.

    “They don't know what the fuck to do about that soul, do they?” Nevin’s voice was calm. His introspection last night had brought back something he realized he had been missing. Ever since Eteri was taken, and he got her back, he had been hesitant around her, hesitant in his daily life. He'd just passively let Ayaka take her back on the hope that these priests would know how to help Eteri - but he'd already found something that had been weakening the foul spirit. His hand curled into a fist.

    “No. They don’t. This is new. This ceremony is the same I had gone through; it’s a rite of passage meant to cleanse the soul. She doesn’t have-” Ayaka paused. “Didn’t have a soul. She was able to pull it out of her friend, but no one can seem to pull it out of her. It’s...concerning. I am guessing its because she has no soul, so that fragment doesn’t want to let go of….” Her words caught in her mouth. “A suitable host.”

    Nevin's jaw clenched hard. This damn thing was inside of her and didn't want to leave? Fine. “Then a cleaning won't work, will it. Cleansing implies the base material is good stock, and you are eliminating impurities. That? That is just darkness.” He growled then looked to Ayaka as an idea came to him.

    “You said before. Some of the Soulless have been able to develop, cultivate their own souls. How?” It - it might be a clue, a way to help Eteri create her own to help resist the darkness that wanted to dwell inside of her.

    “Dunno. I didn’t study that stuff. Normally happens when they’re young as they hit puberty. Or in some sort of life changing event. Eteri’s old enough now that we just assume she ain’t ever gonna get one. But is that really a bad thing?” Ayaka’s golden eyes narrowed as they glanced over at Nevin. “Is she a bad person now without one?”

    He snarled. “Hell fucking no, I love her-”

    Suddenly, a scream erupted from below them. It was shrill, and pained, and it sounded as though she was choking. Nevin shot his gaze to the scene below.

    Eteri was contorted in an unnatural position; her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She looked strained, she looked like something was choking her. Her body convulsed in the pool of water.

    Threads ran along Nevin’s skin. Any concern about whether or not Eteri actually loved him was washed away by the fact that she was in pain, in danger.

    “This isn’t right.” Ayaka muttered. “You can’t see it but- that thing inside of her is twisting her body. It’s tendrils have extended into her limbs. This isn’t normal. Souls don’t do that. They can’t just move a physical body like a fuckin’ pupp-”

    Her words were drowned out as the priest gave a pained cry. Collapsing to his knees. His hands clasping at an unseen force at his throat.

    “Ayaka. How the fuck do we get in there.” Red ran rampant along his skin as Nevin spat the words out. “If you don't get us in there, they are going to die.” Or he was going to bust this fucking glass. It had withstood him running into it - but his thread boosted him, made him a lot stronger than a normal man. Hard, blazing red eyes locked onto the brown haired woman.

    She grabbed onto his wrist and broke into a run, letting him go in the process. He didn’t need her to pull him along. He followed her down into a stairwell before she abruptly stopped. Nevin slammed his arms against the wall, just barely preventing himself from crashing into her back.

    “Ugh...Here.” She pointed at the wall. “Most the area is enchanted but the stairwells weren’t. Most people don’t go bursting through the walls here.” He looked at her, and nodded. The red around his arm darkened.

    “Step away, don't want you to get hurt.” With the curt order, he drew his arm back - and punched. Splinters of wood cracked around his fist, showering him in dust and grit. Again - another hard crash, and a spiderweb pattern of cracks appeared in the paneling. He snarled.

    This fucking wall was between him and his hurting love. He didn't care anymore if Ayaka saw - he was not holding back. Crimson threads shot from his arm and pierced the wall in several places - wood no match for the strength of steel imbued within them. The following punch shattered the hole that had almost been carved out, and savage follow up blows broke enough of the wall for the redhead to charge into reach her.

    Swift strides carried Nevin to her - pausing only long enough for his threads to grab onto the priest and thrust him further away, hopefully outside of the range of whatever was tracking him. Then Nevin knelt by Eteri and lifted her from the water, cradling her as she shook violently, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to his chest. He ignored the pain that lanced through him.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  7. #7
    Senior Member

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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Nevin sat back and stared at her, then shook his head with a snort. “Not a chance. I might have thought maybe something would happen, but as soon as the priest got wary, I knew there was jack shit he could do. But Eteri wanted me to cooperate so I bit my tongue. That thing is a fragment of something old, and damn dark, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he bit off more than he could chew. Like - thick flow. Like if he tried brewing a half dozen poisonous plants together, then wondered why his lungs weren’t working.” Nevin spat his distaste out.

    “Rituals are the worst. Praying to gods you can't see is stupid. It just gets you killed and you don't know what the fuck will answer.” He took the bottle and drained the rest as his knuckles tightened on it. “I've seen good magic. It's rare. Magic you can understand, work around. I've seen it like, fucking once. Alchemy? So long as you don't mess up it works like you intend.” He turned to look at his drinking companion, who was much further into her drink than he was at this point. He'd have to make sure she drank water, and soon.

    She must have caught him looking at her. Ayaka leaned back against the chair. Her loose clothing slipped and Nevin's eyes were drawn to a flash of tight, taut pink. He swallowed and looked away quickly. She either didn’t notice or didn’t care. She offered him a toothy grin and slapped him on the back. HARD

    “Aye you DO have a fuckin’ bit o’ bite in ya. The way you act around her it’s like a castrated fuckin’ dog.” Nevin shook his head and shrugged slightly.

    “I am extremely out of practice in relationships and was never good with them in the first place. And despite her penchant for chaos she is…sensitive?or delicate? Something along those lines. So I take care not to upset her. She's terrified I'm killing myself for her when I'm just trying to help.” If Nevin stared at his alcohol long enough, surely the cat girl or the bartender would notice that she was ah, having a wardrobe malfunction. Except when the bartender came by, he only looked at Nevin as he set more alcohol and water own, and didn't even glance at Ayaka. Shit.

    “Delicate? Pfft…” A rather rambunctious laugh erupted from her as she slapped her hand down on the table again. “No. No. She seems delicate but she’s a fuckin tough shit. My she yer first girlfriend or sumthin?” Ayaka reached for the alcohol and not the water to Nevin’s dismay the motion put little miss pinky back where she belonged. Thankfully.

    “In over seven years, yes.” He shrugged and drained one of the glasses of water. He wasn't sure if he was glad or not that her motion and corrected her clothes - but settled in the far that it was a good thing. And if Ayaka was going to be drinking heavily one of them needed a clear head.

    “Fuck, no wonder yer so whipped.” She muttered. “I don’t think I c-c-hic- could handle that. I’d rather someone more...dominating and masculine. You don’t exactly pin me as the type to do that sorta thing.” She said with a snort. “Too...ugh you seem like the stoic loner ‘ah don’t touch me’ type? Then again that comes with the profession eh?” Nevin slowly turned and stared at her, his eyebrows rising into his hairline. He let out a loud, irritated snort. Later, he would blame this on the alcohol.

    He stood up and before the drunken catgirl could react, was very much in her personal space looming over her and crowding her into her chair. He leaned over her and whispered into her ear, his voice a frustrated growl. “I don't strike you as dominant because I choose not to. I would have loved to make you scream for me, to tie you down the first time you came into my shop - a smart fucking woman interested in Alchemy just wanders into my life? I bet you and those tight little nipples of yours would have been absolutely delicious.” Then he straightened up and returned to his chair and calmly began drinking his water again. Yes, blame it on the alcohol.

    He glanced sideward at her. Well. That shut her up. She stared, fuming and flushed at the empty space in front of her. Good. It was about time she was put in her place. Too bad that place wasn't pinned beneath him. He briefly wondered if Eteri would ever entertain the idea of Ayaka joining them in - no… that was definitely the alcohol. Definitely the alcohol.

    “C’mon. Yer staying with me.” She finally said as she reached over and grabbed yet another bottle of alcohol from behind the bar. Nevin's eyebrows shot to his hairline as he looked to the bartender, who had buried his face in his hands and was now ignoring them. Wait. Hold on what had she said -

    That was her response after he just told he he would have loved to make her scream? Shit. He didn't really have a choice though - he'd rather not sleep exposed to the elements, and he'd already seen that he would be treated as ‘not there’ by most people. So with a deep breath, he stood up and followed Ayaka.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  8. #8
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Her clothes….had virtually come apart, the intricate bows that tied her entire outfit together had loosened. Exposing more of her skin. The slightly tanned curvature of her breast, the rounded softness of her upper thigh…. Was she - sweet flow. No he could not think that. It was the alcohol, or he was misunderstanding. That had to be it, because there was no way, no damn way, that his girlfriend’s sister was inviting him to bed with her. He stood there, resting deeply - then moved to the bed.

    Before she could react, he had grabbed the edge of her futon covers and flipped them on top of her, taking the bottle from her hand in the process. He leaned down and stared into her eyes for a moment, his gaze dark and hungry - then he stood up and took a long swallow from the bottle.

    “I told you I would have loved to make you scream.” His voice was thick with desire, but he turned around and walked towards the door. “Have a good night, Ayaka.”

    “FUCKIN TEASE!” He heard her spit back. Then another mumble. “Fuckin Eteri getting the good ones…” Then more incoherent rambling. Then silence. His grip on the bottle of alcohol tightened. Oh, he wished he could do more than ‘tease’ her. A fiery, feisty woman who knew her way around Alchemy? He drained the bottle and left the room, stumbling towards where she had indicated the bathroom was.

    He needed an ice shower after that display and that cry. Otherwise he might go back. Not a good idea. The redhead had to fight with the sliding door to get it to work - he wasn't sure he had done it correctly. Finally with a grunt and a slam he got it to open fully, and he ducked through to look at the bathroom. And he stopped, and blinked.

    In one corner sat a decently large tub, currently empty. But there was no shower - instead, against one wall was a low bench in a tiled area, with a faucet and hose in front of it. Huh. Did you wash, then soak? He sighed and shrugged - that's what he would do, even if it might be wrong. Not like Ayaka, drunk and passed out, was going to come join hi- come judge him.

    So he slid the door - well, he got it half closed before he gave up. He shook his head and dropped his bag against the wall, then began stripping down. As Nevin took off his clothes he folded them up and set them down beside the bag. The water to the tub was started, so it would fill as he scrubbed down, and then he folded himself down onto the little bench and turned on the water to the hose.

    He thought he heard movement from the next room but did his best to ignore it. It was her house after all. If she was stumbling around drunk it was her perogative. She said she did this often. If she was having to fill a role she didn't want for people she clearly didn't think too much of - well. He wasn't one to talk poorly of using drink to de-stress. He ducked his head into the water and began scrubbing his hair down.

    Ayaka stumbled in, wearing nothing but a towel around her lower region. “Eh?” She stared at him for a few moments as though her mind was still processing that he was here. She turned and left and Nevin stared after her for a solid minute. Then he slowly shook his head, and rinsed down before heading to climb into the tub.
    That had been - well. She was a looker. Those full, heavy breasts were mouth watering. Thank Crimson she had left -

    She returned with a few vials and approached the tub pouring them into the water. “This’ll….help relax… or..fuckin….make yer rashy… cant remember…” she mumbled as she tried to read the labels…. After pouring the sweet smelling concoction into the tub. Ayaka fell to her knees and pressed her painfully naked breasts on the side of the bath. “Whats yer fuckin’ deal?” She mumbled.

    Nevin dragged his gaze up from the compressed flesh, shaking his head slightly to clear the thoughts away. As the sweet concoction filled his nose he tilted his head to the side.

    “What do you mean?” no one could blame him for his voice being tight. Or his eyes for wandering despite his control.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  9. #9

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 29
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    Ayaka's Avatar


    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    Ayaka was an early riser; so when the first rays of dawn hit her face she groaned and pushed herself up and out of bed. Ignoring the pounding headache from downing a few good glasses of whiskey, and bottles of sake the night before. “Ugh…. She pressed her thumb and forefinger to her head and moaned. Now was not the time to be hungover. She had to get dressed and head back to the temple.

    Then there was the matter of Nevin. Sure...he was moping about in the next room… but that wasn’t on the top of the list of priorities she had. He had his own shit to sort out.

    Ayaka busied herself with her daily tasks; bathing, eating, dressing herself and making sure she didn’t look like a sloppy mess. The usual stuff that a functioning adult was required to do, of course, her routine also included a few hairs off the dog. Pick me up shots.

    She turned to the small space used as the living room where Nevin was awkwardly curled up. She gave him a kick. “Oi. Wake up. We gonna see yer girlfriend.”

    He uncredited himself and shook his he'd roughly, clearing away the fog of slumber as he stared at her silently. He seemed to be examining her for something, but he snorted and stood up, then pulled on a jacket over the clothes he had gone to sleep in.

    Ayaka left her small one bedroomed house smelling faintly of whiskey but she didn’t give a flying fuck. She turned into the main street. Ayaka prefered the streets like this. Quiet. Peaceful. The few nekojin dotted here and there...and…. One other thing….

    Her eyes narrowed upon a tall and dark man. No...his soul was old. Very old. He was approaching her, walking the opposite direction. As they passed she caught whiff of whiskey, sex, and something else. He gave her a smirk and a small wink. “Hello.” he said, tipping his head slightly.

    “Fuck off Demi-god.” Ayaka spat back. It was an assumption of course. The man was way, way too young compared to his soul but he didn’t hold a divine spirit. “Go crawl back into the brothel you pulled yerself out of.”

    He shrugged with an amused chuckle and continued onward. Ayaka glanced behind her at him. Well, at least he had a good ass. Damn….that whole ordeal with Nevin last night really messed her up. Maybe she’d find the man later if he was still in town and offer him a quick fuck.

    Nevin watches silently, his head tilted to one side. He seemed about to say something, but shook his head and continued on towards the temple. He had yet to say a word to her, now that she thought about it.

    Ayaka arrived at the temple with Nevin. She headed past the open room and into the private quarters, to the side there was a set of stairs that were partitioned off, no entrance was normally permitted. But, Ayaka being Ayaka..wasn’t going to pay attention to that. She stepped over the thin rope and ascended the stairs. It lead to what was known as the ‘observation bay’ into the solitary ceremonial chamber.

    It was solitary, but not completely closed off from the rest of the world, how else would people monitor those inside? The narrow staircase lead way to decking painted red that overlooked the ceremonial chamber. Thin glass separated the two, it shimmered with enchantments, no doubt to stop sound and other pollution.

    <”Of course it ain’t working…..”> Ayaka mumbled as she looked down into the room.

    The room itself was unassuming, and could be considered relaxing. A constant breeze blew, creating gentle airflow. The bells attached to Eteri chimed gently. She sat in a shallow pool of warm water, surrounded by smooth rocks in the centre of the room. Surrounding the pool was a small path out in stone atop white sand. The sand had been raked in weaving patterns. It was not a place to fear, it was a place of peace, worship, and purity.

    A place for silent contemplation, solitary meditation and new beginnings. So why…

    Why was there such a feeling of unease. Ayaka looked down upon her sister, resting with her legs curled up under her in the pool of water. Her eyes half lidded. She was dazed and swaying back and forth. The priest stood in front of her with a palm on her head, steadying her as he chanted.

    This….this looked normal but it felt wrong. Ayaka hugged herself, she wasn’t used to feeling such uneasiness. She swallowed and tried to rationalise it. She was watching her younger sister, someone who couldn’t sit still for a moment be...perfectly still. It was unnatural to see. So that was why Ayaka felt uneasy. She shook her head and turned to Nevin.

    “See, nothin’ to worry about.”

    She didn’t sound so sure about that.

  10. #10
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    “That's not what I meant…” Nevin doubted the girl heard him as she left the room.

    Nevin onto the tiles where Ayaka had been sitting just a moment ago, and stared blankly at his hands. Sort out his feelings? Think with his head, not his dick? He groaned and dropped his head back, his hair falling into the tub as he leaned against it. Fucking thick flow. How the hell did someone who didn't really remember what family was like ‘sort out his feelings’? It's not like he had healthy ones to compare them to!

    Eteri was - she was warm, she was bright. She had lit up his life from the moment she charged in demanding fish. The alchemist clamped down on his emotions, and thought. Eteri -

    Eteri hadn't originally been attracted to him, nor he to her. She'd been childish, demanding his fish, then called his soul disgusting. He had been exasperated, getting ready to classify her like he did Fenn, an acquaintance. But that had changed, why? What had made her start being more close to him? She hadn't actually wanted to touch him at first, had kept a bit of her distance -

    Until she'd touched his soul. That had been the first time she touched him. And he wasn't foolish or naive enough to think that she fell in love with something she outright claimed was disgusting. But…. Maybe? Maybe being close to it had shown her something she liked? His fingers splayed against his chest as he thought.

    No, Ayaka wasn't quite right. Eteri wasn't the first to show him affection - that had been Stare. Eteri was the first to stay though, the first to actually want to stay. That - that was the difference. And Ayaka didn't know, couldn't know that he hadn't been thinking with his dick. Nevin had been taking care of those urges with the girls of the Golden Lilly. No - he'd wanted Eteri because she made him happy in a way no one else ever had. His fingers dug into his chest.

    But why had she started caring for him? He knew his feelings, but - but why did Eteri want to stay with him? Was it just because he'd saved her from that psycho, Stefan? Or - or was it because her Pode soul piece demanded him? He took a deep breath, then sighed and stood up. He was just going to run in circles here, his thoughts a jumble. As he turned though, he caught the bottles that Ayaka had used. With a frown he picked them up.

    “Wait. Truth? Aphro- she could not have known. No.” He crushed the bottles in his hand, ignoring the sting as the glass bit into him. His blood stained the paper, making it illegible as he wadded it up. Ayaka need never know what she had accidentally dosed him with. He cleaned up, and then went to sleep - in the front room.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

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