Nevin sighed and shot one last look in the direction that Eteri had gone, and let out a breath. “Yes. I think some alcohol sounds like a good idea.” He stood up, unfolding long legs from their cramped position, and looked to Ayaka as she stood up too. She grunted and beckoned for him to follow as they walked out of the temple.

It was only when they were outside that he was able to stand upright fully, and his back protested having had to hunch over to walk. At least when he was sitting down, he could sit up straight. His eyes slid to the brown haired girl walking beside him. “So, how far to the drinks?” For now, he would trust in the two of them to know more about what was going on with Eteri and this ritual.

“Quick to drown yer dick eh?” She shot back, her eyes shifted upward to him and her normally stoic lips quirked into a smle. “Close. About a five minute walk.” Nevin blinked and tilted his head to the side.

“Quick to - I don't think I even want to know.” he took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. So, five minutes walk, he could manage that. The two of them walked through the streets, Nevin straining his ears to listen to the conversations flowing around him. He glanced at the short girl beside him and tried to strike up a conversation.

“So. Priestess and Alchemist? How'd that happen?” It was intriguing, she seemed to be fairly well respected in town for her priesthood, but when she had come to his shop she had been focused almost exclusively in Alchemy. If Eteri hadn't been there, they probably would have fallen into a lot deeper discussion. He actually regretted his reticence back then - he had precious few people he could actually discuss Alchemy with.

“It’s just a shitty title…” She muttered bitterly. “I ain’t got no fancy ability like Eteri does. So I was never able to help folks move on. Frankly she shoulda been the high priestess but not having a soul makes that hard. Fuckers. So I took up the mantle, its just busy work really. Smile, look pretty. Pat folks on the back as they cry about their fuckin’ dead. Shit like that. Boring. Alchemy? That’s much more interesting. Fuck magic. Fuck being able to touch someones soul. Being able to take a few measley plants and turn it into something that could either heal or kill someone? That’s real power. Ah...we’re here.”

Nevin blinked, and tilted his head to the other idea as he studied her. Watching her face flit between irritation, to disgust, to fascination was - interesting. She was definitely a passionate speaker and didn't just wear her emotions on her sleeve, she shoved them in people’s faces.

They arrived at a small unassuming shop with a yellowed door. It had signs plastered all over the windows obstructing the view in. The signs were written in Akashiman so Nevin had no real way of knowing what they said. Ayaka pushed the door open and lead Nevin in.

Nevin sighed as he realized, that once again he had to duck down to fit. He couldn't be angry about it - it wasn't like people anticipated a foreigner who was so tall coming in. He followed after Ayaka, who seemed to know exactly where she was going.

The inside was lit by lanterns strung across the ceiling, giving the entire place a soft ambient glow. The bar was empty for the time being, still Ayaka sat right up at the bar and quickly ordered two drinks. He slid into the chair beside her and folded his arm on the counter.

“Not too dissimilar to why I got into Alchemy. Being able to take plants and the like, and make them into things that could do so much more it fascinated me. I could leave an impact with Alchemy, one that I couldn't in another way back then.” He shrugged one shoulder as the cups were set down in from of Ayaka - the barman pointedly trying to ignore the redhead.

Ayaka downed her glass with impressive ease. <”Keep em coming; don’t be an ass he can understand you.”> She muttered to the barkeep before turning her attention back to Nevin. She leaned forward and he was suddenly aware of her chest much larger than Eteri’s. Nevin had been smiling at the bar keeper, who had looked to him in shock, until the brown haired girl leaned over. Involuntarily his eyes flicked downwards, and he swallowed once before focusing on her face.

“It’s a fine art…” Ayaka began, unaware of his eyes. Thankfully. “Just a few drops can result in error. Eteri ain’t got that problem. She can just fuckin’ pull whatever she wants and it works.” Nevin let out a laugh.

“I've accidentally made myself bald once. Stupid high temperature reaction. Let me tell you, I don't look good like that. And - I've noticed that about her. She's been calming down, but at times she still is a bit - brazen? Unconcerned with consequences, I think.” Nevin picked up his glass and downed it, wincing only slightly at the burn. “Hoo, that's different.” The barman set two new glasses down in front of them.

<”Thank you.”> He couldn't help his accent, but at least he was gathering more of the language so he didn't sound like a tongue tied infant all the time.