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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 7,350, Level: 3
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,650
    Level completed: 59%,
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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden
    I drummed my fingers against the haft of the Saw-Spear as I finished counting down the minutes. This was quite possibly one of the weirdest hunts I had ever heard of. Not only was I actively hunting a human being - this weird, black leaking woman had quite literally demanded I do it herself. And it only a ten minute count down - unless she was some kind of master - mistress- woodsman, this would barely last longer than her countdown had.

    No matter. I would find her, and I would make her bleed before killing her. I had no qualms whatsoever about doing this - she wanted to die, and I would oblige her -

    There. Ten minutes past. I immediately shot into the trees, swinging up into the tree branches, iron spikes sliding into my hand as I began scanning the foliage for signs of broken branches, scuffed leaves, to see her trai- are you quite serious. She - did she do this on purpose? Not care if she died? Was this some kind of trap? Because this was a clear as Goddamn day trail.

    Rot and decay started a few feet into the treeline. Not immediately obvious from where I had been, but a clear trail nonetheless leading in the direction she had walked into the trees. I narrowed my eyes and began flitting through the treetops, leaping and swinging as I followed the path of devastation. There was no way it was this easy, I would have to double back and find her real trail soon, but I was curious as to what had caused this destruction. I would investigate it, then go and find her. I had plenty of time.

    Ahead, there was a large tree in the middle of a clearing. I saw the trail of decay leading to it but none continued on behind it. Some kind of demented treant, stealing the vitality from the plant life it passed across? I shifted around in a circle, examining the tree from -

    Are. You. Quite. Serious?

    The redhead woman was perched in the tree, chewing nonchalantly on an apple in one hand. It as almost as if she didn't care whether or not she was found - not if she left this kind of clear as fucking day trail. Fine. She had apparently chosen suicide by Huntsman, and I would oblige her. I tensed my arm - then launched spikes at her, the six inch long skewers of metal piercing the air as they shot for her.

    I was only a few paces behind, the Saw-Spear folded up as I skimmed along the ground.

    She laughed as she threw the apple down to my feet then swiftly moved away, swinging back from the branch then using the momentum to launch herself into the snow. Fuck. She moved faster than the average human. “What, you think it were that easy?” She taunted. “I may want to die, but I did offer a hunt didn’t I? Wouldn’t this be boring?” She asked as she jumped backward, a tad encumbered by the snow. It was clear that despite her taunts I had the upper hand. I didn't bother wasting my breath on words - here, now, she was prey.

    I crouched - and sprang. She might be faster than she should be, but I was stronger than I should be as well. I couldn't maintain long range running, but for explosive bursts of motion I had a definite affinity. I landed, and she was already moving away, keeping out of the two foot range of my Saw-Spear. Too bad, dead girl.

    She lowered her body, bracing herself. I leapt, blade snapping out to full extension as I twisted myself into a spiral in the air, jagged edge of the Saw-Spear leading the way. Then, fucking two giant snakes made of red light and black crackling lightning appeared behind her back. Fuck. I drove the blade into the ground, nearly snapping my arm from my socket as I arrested my momentum. The snakes shot through the air where I would have been - but I was already on the move, shooting to her side. To distract her and give her something else to worry about, I ripped some of the oak stakes on my vest out and hurled the sharp skewers of wood at her.


    One of them landed directly into her torso just above her collarbone. I had landed one blow and she was bleeding. She didn’t seem bothered by it at all. She ripped it out and it turned to dust in her hands. Just what the fuck was she?

    But fine. I had two more oak spikes, and three more metal ones. I spun in a low, tight circle, foot skimming the ground and kicking up a flurry of snow into the air. I want relying on my sight now - but on memory. I was barely out of the spin when I smashed my foot down and launched myself at her again. I had to close in - my skewers didn't have the punching power to take this twisted thing down. I needed to get close enough for the saw spear.

    I was close enough to see her blackened eyes wide, she gave me a twisted grin as she lifted her foot back and kicked a pile of snow into my direction. I snarled as I wiped my face clean.

    She had run. Her footsteps leading back into the thicket of the forest. Deep red splotches of blood dotted the snow behind her. I took off in hot pursuit, taking to the trees again to stay out of the snow which would slow both of us down.

    Several metres ahead she was there, again. Something didn’t seem right. She was hunched over and black bile like substance leaked from her mouth. She was heaving, throwing it up into the snow. It hissed and melted away at the black liquids touch.

    There was no hesitation as I plunged from the treeline. The Saw-Spear aimed downwards - if she didn't move, my blade would replace her spine. I was already tensing, ready to swing when she dodged.

    She glanced up and her eyes narrowed, she darted out the way, but not fast enough, the blade plunged into her lung, and then the fall and my weight tore through one side of her body. She blinked, eyes narrowed at me, as I twisted and tore my blade through her legs - I was taking no chances here, she'd already proven to be a tough foe.

    A strained laugh warbled through her choking and strained breathing. She reached up with blood soaked hands to clasp my cheeks. She looked as though she had tried to say something but her eyes were already glassy. I narrowed my eyes, and brought the saw spear up - and plunged it into her chest. I was going to make sure this damn woman was dead. Never mind that one of her lungs was literally exposed to the air, that her legs were shredded.

    Her arms fell limp at her sides and the only thing keeping her body upright was my saw-spear. She was like a bloodied rag doll. I gripped the haft of my weapon in both hands and tore it upwards, bisecting the woman’s torso. As viscera landed in the now around me, I stepped back, wiping my face down. What an odd gesture, why had she touched me there?

    I looked down at the half - bisected body. I clicked my blade back into its reserved state. I would have to hack her apart and scatter the limbs - she might have been okay with it, but others tended to frown on the death of sentients. Wai - my eyes narrowed. Had she been pregnant? I knew hormones could do insane things to the female body during pregnancy, but becoming suicidal was a new one to me.

    There was a sudden thickness to the air. If it wasn’t already so fucking cold I’d notice that it had gotten colder. Then from her corpse came a crackling noise like a spitting fire. I took a two back, bringing the Saw-Spear up into a guard position. Then without warning her corpse fucking exploded with light. I shielded my eyes rubbing them.

    What in the name of everloving hell was going on here.

    As my eyes adjusted I saw her. Alive. Clothes torn and ripped to shreds, blood covered her body but she….was alive. She didn’t look too happy about it either. I had to agree with the expression on her face.
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

  2. #2
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    “Tch...well yeh. Nothing is permanent. Not even death. With the right magic, the right soul… even the right technology you can cheat just about anything.” Scarlet turned back to look at the Hunter. “Corruption ain’t any different. I like myself better this way. Since I’ve become this way I haven't dealt with any of the shit I’ve had in the past. I’m stronger for it.”

    Scarlet paused and stared at the dark skinned man. “People do...interesting things in the pursuit of strength, don’t they?” She asked, prying him for information. “What you did wasn’t normal not for a normal drow.” He studied her.

    “What was done to me was part of a project to help people. Not to drive them to the brink of losing themselves. Myself, and those like me, are meant to be protectors. I merely exercise it a different way than most. And…” He paused, and narrowed his eyes at her. His arms folded across his chest.

    “And please, do not think me a fool. You do not like what you are. So, tell me. How is this corruption reduced?” The dark Elf’s voice was steady, his gaze intent.

    Why the fuck was everyone so intent on changing her? On ‘fixing’ her. Of course scarlet wasn’t entirely happy with how she was now. “The fuck do you know.” She hissed. “Of course I’m not fucking happy, I barely feel a thing and when I do, its fucked. Everything I touch rots in my fingers, but it’s still better this way.”

    I shook my head as we neared the village, small houses dotted the countryside. And of fucking course when people saw her coming they’d get all huffy. “Hang on..” Scarlet shoved a hand into the tattered remains of her clothing, there was a holster attached to her upper thigh. She pulled the dress up to reach it and pulled out a small vial filled with a light blue liquid. Scarlet popped off the top and downed it. “It’s better if I don’t look like I’m about to explode and annihilate everything around me.” She laughed bitterly. Oh how very true that sentence was.

    The dark lines on her skin faded, and her eyes returned to what they were before the corruption sunk deep within her. Brilliant emerald hues with a glimmering golden ring around her iris. “So- how about a drink?” She asked. Anything to get him off her damn back.

    He paused, studying her. Then gave a slow nod. Good. She strode off towards the bar, and he followed, trudging through the snowy streets.

    Scarlet pushed open the door. At this time of day it was loud and it was rowdy. Evening was along the horizon and the men were coming home from their jobs and the whores were looking for a glint of gold.

    “ be drinking?” Hunter asked.

    “Hell yes I should.” Scarlet commented as she threw herself against the back corner booth. “Yuriks Firewhiskey good enough?” She didn’t let him reply. “Good. That’s all we’re drinking tonight.” She motioned to a lad runnng around with a finger. He approached her quickly. His eyes glancing to her tattered clothes.


    “Yuriks firewhiskey.” Scarlet stated. “Bottle of it.”

    The youth paused, looking form her to Huntershe en back to her clothes then to her. “Did I fucking stutter? Go get it, what do ya want? A fuckin sign?” The boy shook his head and left.

    As she was snapping at the boy, she felt something settle her shoulders. A blink and a glance down showed that she was now swimming in the drow’s overcoat. “I don’t feel the cold.” She said, staring at the coat. Just why would he bother? Instead of answering right away, he reached around and buttoned it up. It was then that she noticed that his left arm had a chunk that was definitely not the same color as the rest of his skin. In fact, it looked almost like stone - and the flesh around it looked frayed and torn, like it was rubbed and scraped raw, and not attaching in quite the right way.

    “It is not always about the cold, Scarlet. You and I might not care as much, but normal people think it wrong for an attractive woman to walk around in torn, shredded clothes.” With swift, sure movements, he folded up the sleeves.

    “Attractive?” She scoffed. The hell was he thinking about. Scarlet lowered her eyes. She let her hands run over the curves of her body. Her breasts, which had admittedly gotten bigger of recent, her hips - too wide...her skin, sure it looked pristine now but she could feel the bumps and ridges of all the cracks from her corruption. Scarlet stilled, body tense as he leaned forward to ensure that none of her more delicate areas were showing. She was sure he’d try to stab her, test just how often she’d revive, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned back against the chair.

    “Yes, attractive. Now then. Where is that boy with our whiskey?” He drummed gloved fingers on the table as he looked around.

    Scarlet leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. “Firewhiskey…” She breathed. “Never knew why...but it always felt...right to drink it. It feels nostalgic. I wonder if I was a fan of it in a past life.”

    Before the Hunter could comment the boy returned with two glasses. He shot a small glare to Hunter seeing that Scarlet was now appropriately covered. Hunter pulled down his face mask and gave a hungry grin. The boy dropped the glasses and scurried off.

    “So Hunter; you say you want to protect people… but you have a bit of a sadistic side, don’tcha?”

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