My has been stolen from me. Nosdyn repeated the thought in his mind very carefully. The events that transpired back in his home-city, a city of Demons, left him scarred and mentally shattered. He wanted somewhere to belong. The laws of Haidia no longer bound him to be a soldier...he was another sellsword. Nosdyn sighed quietly. The pain he felt from the forced teleportation spell that was cast on him still coursed through his well muscular body. I do now? He wanted some answers. The blue-haired woman could provide him none. Only Stare had the key he needed to go forward with his life. Stare and the blue-haired woman spoke quietly about the book and other matters...none of that concerned Nosdyn.

As he sat there, he took a drink from his goblet and tried to savor it. The drink was a local juice that was popular with the natives. He didn't mind...he was not in the mood for a strong ale anyhow. He listened in silence as the two spoke for a bit longer. Then, he thought of something. His mind cleared and he considered where he would go next, what he would do next. " were already searching for me. Migh I ask what has happened since last we met?" In the intensity of the moments since reuniting with Stare and that blue-haired woman...Nosdyn had not had a chance to ask Stare anything. He was a Demon...but he was still a Demon with some manners.

He followed a very peculiar code of sorts.

He lived by the sword...and he hoped someday he would die by it.

He also secretly hoped that the someday in question was a long time off.

Nosdyn waited for Stare's response as he continued to consider the situation at hand. What did Stare need? Why was she looking for me...venturing this deep near the Tular Plains on her own? Nosdyn had to know...