
Amari took a deep breath, he was right. This was peaceful. “Near where you first took me…” Amari began as she closed her eyes. “Those forests always made me feel peaceful. I just thought that it was because it was away from people. Being around too many make me anxious. Afraid. I’m slowly getting over those things thanks to you...I just…” She allowed her hand to dance over the grass and took another deep breath again.

“What is it?” Jake said dreamily, gazing up at the treetops.

Amari kicked off her shoes, and removed the outer layer of her clothing, leaving behind the thin slip of a mangled dress. It felt better this way. Less restricting, and it felt. Amari tried to concentrate on the feeling, it was almost a buzzing inside of her. She didn’t hear Jake’s question, instead. She concentrated on that. Behind her closed lids there was a faint glow, amber...and it felt warm. If she just opened her eyes, she’d realise the source of that was her own body, but her lids felt heavy and she didn’t want to move. This was what she needed, not fighting, not defending herself with a weapon… but this
“This…” She whispered, turning and curling her body into the tree. “Feels like home.” IF she were let be, she’d have fallen asleep like that. A faintly glowing woman, barely dressed - nestled up against a tree along a dirt riddled path which just so happened to have a giant spot of grass in the center of it.

What a sight.

Jake smiled somewhat awkwardly, looking at the radiant young woman. “Good,” he said, and then hesitated as if about to say more, and then fell silent.

Amari wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but when she opened her eyes the sun had all but set, and it was beginning to get dark. There was a source of-

“Wait WHAT! WHY am I GLOWING!” Amari said, startled as she glanced down at herself, if she had the time, she’d have found it pleasing. But she was too busy being concerned with the fact that she was glowing. “Jake!? Jake!?” She called scrambling to her feet. Damnit...why was she covered in vines? When did the grass become so thick? As she tried to stand, Amari tripped and fell with a thud.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” Jake said as he stood up, eyes coming open. “Oh, Amari, are you okay? What’s happened?”

How was he not concerned? How was he not worried? She lay there, nestled against the greenery all tangled up in saplings, vines, and plantlife. “Please! Help!” She said, exasperated as she reached up to clasp his hand.

Jake pulled her up and with a little bit of effort, free from the entrapment she found herself in. Jake pulled her up and out, and into his arms as she stumbled forward. Her hands pressed against his chest.

“I uh…”

“Jake…” Amari mumbled.

“I see it was a fruitful endeavour.” A voice caused Amari to reel it in, and back away from Jake far enough that her back was pressed against the tree. “B-breaker!?” Amari asked. “How did you-”

He chuckled. “On patrol, seeing a glowing woman is something my job warrants me to investigate.” His eyes set on Amari. “I had a feeling it may have been you though.”