Amari seemed reluctant, she turned to Joshua with a look of concern on her face. “I...can try, but - I bring death…” She muttered. Despite her words she sounded as though she no longer firmly believed them. She was always told that in the past. She was told by her father, her brother… the neighbourhood Being careful not to prick herself on the cactai she pressed her hands into the dirt. She exhaled slowly and shut her eyes. For a few minutes nothing happened. Then...her hands began to glow again and the once limp and dying flora sprang to newfound life. Amari began to feel a little drained, she opened her eyes and seeing that she was succeeding she wasn’t sure if she should continue. Her legs buckled but she refused to back away.

“I-is that working?” She asked, unsure of what her own eyes were showing her. How could she, she of all people manage to do something like this?

“It’s more than working,” Helen exclaimed. She plucked a tiny silver sickle from the table and took a small cutting from the plant. “Minutes ago, this cactus was on the brink of death. Now it appears to be… flourishing.” She smiled at Amari.

As Helen took cuttings from the Cactai, they almost instantly began to regenerate. Amari was happy that it was working, but the longer she left her hands there, the more drained she felt. She had paled considerably and her own skin prickled with a strange electric energy.

“That might be enough for now,” Josh said gently, “you don’t want to overtax yourself.” She felt his hands on her shoulders and Amari carefully pulled away. He was right… still…

She glanced up at Helen, the golden ring and flecks in her eyes giving off a faint glimmer, her entire body radiated a similar glow and prickled with a strange sensation. “I’m happy I could help.” Amari said as she clasped a hand over her chest to steady her breathing in a way that wouldn’t alert the woman to how out of breath she was. “I am not sure how long I will be residing here for, as I am just a guest of a dear friend of mine - but if you wish for me to help you in the future. Please let me know.”

“That would be wonderful,” Helen said, “I can think of a half dozen projects that would benefit from your skill. But for now, I think I will lock up for the night. Please come by any time, I’m usually here.”

Amari nodded, and they said their goodbyes before Joshua lead her out of the greenhouse. “Is that what you wanted to show me? She asked as they stepped out into the cool air again. She bristled and rubbed her hands together. “This...residual effect…” She said as she glanced down at her dimly lit hands before holding them out to him. “It feels strange, it tingles almost - is it just me?”

“From what I can tell, it seems almost like a side effect of using your powers,” Josh said. “You may learn to control it in time. And yes… I wanted to show you the greenhouse. I wanted you to have something that appeals to you as much as the Dansdel does to Jake.”

Amari nodded. “I admit… that place makes me feel very uncomfortable, so does the fighting and his insisting me on fighting and training to fight and I just…” Amari sighed. “I can’t...I am trying. I really am, but I think I’m frustrating him. Ah… I don’t mean to speak ill of him. Joshua… thank you for showing me this place.”

“You’re very welcome,” he said. “Don’t be too hard on Jake. He just wants you to be safe, and to him safety lies in a sword. If he continues learning from me, I’m sure his perspective will change.”

Amari nodded, a look of concern etched on her features. “Yeh...I think I need to go have a talk with him when I get back to the hotel. If he’s not asleep already. I should go do that...unless there was anything else you wanted to discuss?” she asked, “You did say there was much to talk about?”

“There will be plenty of time for that,” Breaker said firmly, “you need your rest. Let me walk you to your inn.”

Amari smiled and coiled her hand around his arm. “I was just about to ask if you could do such a thing…” She said. The two walked to the inn and said their goodbyes. As breaker walked away, Amari watched until he turned a corner and away from view before she stepped inside and headed to Jakes room. She knocked softly at his door. “Jake...are you awake?”