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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Scarlet may not be immune to the cold like she once was, but it still didn't bother her as much as most. Her entire life revolved around the desolate wastes of Salvar; she had been subject to cold and harsh nights without comfort or warmth. It became the norm for her, so the bitter winds that bit at her reddened cheeks barely registered. Hell, it was one of the reasons she had accepted this ridiculous quest. Because it wasn't in Salvar. It had nothing to do with Hunter or the Crimson Hand or an obsessive succubus. There was nothing familiar about this place and that was what she needed.

    To be away from everything and everyone and to sink her fingers into something that would provide a challenge. Hell, with any luck it may just break her psyche and destroy that which magic nor modern science could. Her blasted memories.

    Scarlet shoved her hand into the coat pocket of the leather jacket she wore and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper. It was near dark and virtually impossible to see. She thought she was in the right place. The address matched, at least she thought so. Scarlet lifted her black gloved hand and drew back thick crimson locks away from her face. "This should be it." She muttered as she crumpled the paper and shoved it back in her pocket.

    Before her was a door with a strange sigil; the same that matched the paper. Scarlet pushed open the door and was met with the heat of a roaring fire and many bodies. The door slammed shut behind her as she stepped into the room. Wearing thick leather boots and a red dress that matched the fire of her hair Scarlet stood out. The rest of the men and women here shuffled around in chairs, wearing leathers of black and brown. Furs and skins covering their forms. Fodder. That's how she saw them. Nothing more than cavalry that would be marching to their death. Not a single one of them looked like they could tackle the task at hand.

    There was an older man who paced absently back and forth in a meticulous rhythm. His wrinkled face bore a smile as his eyes rested upon the woman. He turned to face her and gave her a small nod before gesturing to one of the many seats before him. Scarlet lifted her chin. The way he walked and held himself. Straight posture and confidence. No doubt he was the ringleader, former military if she were to guess right.

    "I'm fine standing." Scarlet said as she shut her black and red eyes and shifted a few feet away from the door. She folded her arms over her chest and rolled her shoulders back. She was already tempted to leave. The room was musty and stank of unwashed men. The casual chatter amongst them signalled they were either unprepared or overconfident for the upcoming task at hand.

    Scarlet wasn't sure what to make of it all. Part of her was thankful that the drugs that kept her emotions at bay were holding, else she'd be very annoyed right now. She prayed nothing would test that. For her sanity at the very least, and for the most - for the lives of those around her.

  2. #2
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    "Why did you drag me out in this cold Ayami?" Rianna whined loudly, her blue luminous eyes scanning the snowy cobblestone street she was walking on. She could see shops filled to the brim with customers trying to stay warm from the cold. Taverns were filled up almost completely, the one the pair had just been in had been too full to seat them. The lithe assassin had noticed a flyer about a meeting for adventurers to handle a mysterious incident. One that was wrought with danger. Being the whiny Mizami heiress she was. She was more then willing to avoid the foray into danger. She had turned to leave the warmth of the busy tavern, to look for one less empty and full of noisy human cattle.

    However, much to the vampiress dismay, her companion from her adventure into the caverns of luck was still with her. The bunny girl's fiery pink eyes was glaring dully at her as she said succinctly "Still a brat Rianna? Even after overcoming a zombie dragon? My dear how do you expect to defeat your dear half-sister? If you continue to cower in fear? This" The little ghost bunny pulled the flyer off the wall and slapped the piece of paper into the crimson haired vixen's slim hand saying sternly "You still have much to learn about strength! This! Will be good for you! You'll be a good girl and go Ri, or I'll just drag you there in a fire bubble!"

    A pout was on the vixen's full lips as she hissed softly "Your the brat Ayami! Dragging me out into the cold like this! You know I hate I hate being dragged!" her orbs then studied the paper which expressed that an old man was looking for able bodied warriors to defeat a mysterious powerful magic. Pursing her lips Ri thought I wish Ayami would just disappear! She's been nothing but a pain since she came into my life! as her booted feet crunched over the slushy cobblestone streets, her steps soon halted as she saw a glowing sigil, the same that was on the piece of paper Ayami had thrust into her hands. Groaning audibly the vampiress assassin pushed the door open loudly and she and Ayami stepped in.

    Ayami grinned as her pink hues saw the group of warriors huddled around a warm fire, chatter was hushed in the room as an older man caught sight of the pale skinned woman and her bunny ghost girl companion, his head nodded towards one of the many empty chairs. Pursing her lips Ri silently trotted over to an empty table and sat heavily onto the sturdy wooden chair. Her hands moved crossly over her chest as she hissed softly at Ayami "You better have not gotten me in over my head Ayami! I'm still sore after that fucking zombie dragon!"

    Ayami grins knowingly as she says sagely "Just wait to see what we have to do Miss Mizami! That is best considering your nature! Otherwise, your fears will consume you!"

    Ri snorts in annoyance before she grouses "Fine...lets see what this damn human has to say......"

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