Corone...I've returned home.

But is it really home...? I do not know. There are no answers for me. Nenkulor's passing signaled the end of an era. With him..died many secrets. Involving many of the old prophecies. I am called back home. To the place where it all began for me. Some time ago, I underwent Reformation in that place. Now it was a ruined fortress, like so many long-forgotten relics of the past. Five years of my life I gave to Sei Orlouge. Five long years. In the end, the light embraced me though I have the mark of the black blood.

I became reforged by the light.

When it all began this time, I was once again looking at that place where it started for me. Before meeting Sei that night, I was a lowlie follower of N'Jal. Little more than a broken husk of a man. During the events of that night, I left N'Jal's fold joined the Ixian Knights. It all changed for me then. I was currently looking up at the castle of my earlier days and knelt down before the sacred grounds of the Ixian order. I was in thought that knight, my son was observing me.

"So this is the place where it all changed for you?" The Black Knight asked of his father. The Black Knight was curious to see the history of the old Ixian Knights.

Lorenor opened his glowing blue eyes. A wind came in from the west, the grasslands they were on seemed to yawn for a moment with the wind. It was afternoon that day, roughly the fifth hour of the day. It was a Thursday, year XXXX. Lorenor felt the energy coursing from the very ground itself, one of the few such holy founts left in their dying world. He stood up at that point, his loose clothing rippling in the wind underneath his armour. Lorenor turned to look at his son. "It was here that I was no longer just another wretch." Lorenor explained. He was still not certain how Reformation worked...only that it had saved him. I must learn how to recreate that process and control it. Lorenor thought to himself. Redemption was too valuable a gift to give up. As he stood there he shrugged carefully and turned to face his son. "I must pass on the knowledge that remains in this hallowed grounds." Lorenor explained the reason that they were all there. He and his followers, after Nenkulor Shima had specifically told them to go hide in the mountains of Stonevale.

Corone had mountains too that they could hide in.

"We are at your command, father." The Black Knight said carefully. There were at least twenty other folks with Lorenor and The Black Knight present that day.

Lorenor thought back to the letters and tomes that Nenkulor Shima had left behind. "The Prophecies will be fulfilled." Lorenor said carefully.

The old fortress loomed ahead of them, ruined and having been looted many times over but the stone walls still burned with a story to be told. "Follow me." Lorenor told his companions and they all entered the holy grounds.

From the last time that Lorenor entered the holy grounds, he'd encountered the boy fae who called himself Fennick. He missed the little one, and hoped to someday encounter the little adventurer again. Lorenor did not have the capacity to reproduce in normal means despite being forged in light. He was still undead. He'd had his son many years before becoming as he currently was. Lorenor touched the stone walls, and as he'd suspected, the walls themselves were warm.

"We will remain here when the time of prophecy occurs." Lorenor said calmly. "There is a section underground that will suit our purposes." Lorenor said. He knew the place was haunted and spirits still roamed across those grounds. As he stood there he thought about what was needed. "There will be those who need shelter. We must provide that. This place can house many survivors and we will all unit against the common destruction."

The Black Knight nodded carefully. "Father we have acquired the supplies you have requested. What is it that you will have us do?" The Black Knight asked.

"We must all work together and rebuild. Prepare this place and make it far more hospitable than it's current conditions show. I am certain Sei would have approved of this." Lorenor said with a calm expression on his face. He thought of Sei a lot those days.

"You care for that man a lot." The Black Knight said.

"I became whole again because of Sei." Lorenor said carefully. "But here is what we must do."

And so it began...