(Yaboy Hayate is in this one.)

Fog rarely settled over the region surrounding Radasanth, but today was one of the few this year where it settled thick around the streets of the city, oppressing the lanterns which were now prevalent in the streets, and even held out by some to avoid troublesome collisions. John himself was thankful that he wasn't out in the humid stuff, it always irritated him, the way he could feel the tiny droplets of water floating around him, or not being able to see too far ahead. He puffed a bit on his cigar, leaning back. He glanced over at Jamie, who had accompanied him to one of the more 'exclusive' places to eat in the city, citing his most recent and seemingly prolonged absences as reason for them to go out. John didn't really have a preference, but Jamie did look quite nice in her long dress. It was a simple dark blue affair which widened at the sleeves and below the knees, but clung more closely to her form everywhere else. The half-giant admitted to himself that the trip and the expense were worth a relatively quiet night with her.

The steak was also pretty good as well, he thought, looking back at her, almost snuggled under his arm. She had one of his hands in both of his, and twisted a green crystalline ring around his finger. He should say something. That was the right thing to do, right? Something romantic. He opened his mouth.

"Nice ring, yeah? I got it-"

"Fighting a golem, right?" she interrupted. John looked away, closing his eyes for a moment. Oh yeah John Cromwell master of romance am I, he thought.

"You should tell me the story again though, it's exciting every time you tell it," she finished, smiling up at him.

Well, at least one of them knew their way around a relationship. John took a drag on his cigar, pushing out a ring of smoke that hung lazily in the calm lantern-light of the restaurant. He was about to start the tale when an older man walked up to their table. A balding man, he walked with a slight limp, a disability mitigated by an ornate cane made of carved wood and inlaid with gold and silver. The extravagance of the cane was matched in his clothing, and his finely pressed shirt and coat were embroidered with golden thread in some places. His short white hair was still a full head, but he had begun losing it in the front. He spoke.

"You are John Cromwell, are you not, sir? I am Lord Davern Marentarth, and I wish to have your crafting talents put to use for a sword." As he completed the rehearsed line, Lord Davern straightened up a bit, and raised his cane a bit, almost as if it were a scepter. John sighed. Was there any nobility in the city that understood construction? Were there any that even understood the times that had befallen Corone as a whole?

"No." he said quickly, returning his attentions to Jamie, who looked up at him in confusion. As if that was the wrong answer, in fact.

The lord seemed confused as well. "I will have you handsomely paid for the work, you know," he persuaded.

"I said no. I have no time for swords, Davern," John finished truthfully. The city was hurting and in need of every nail, horseshoe, and axehead that he could forge, and spending a week or more on a sword that would see no use apart from two or three test swings was not on his agenda.

Davern sputtered. "That is Lord Davern to you, sir. And I will not be spoken to in such a way!" he demanded, rapping his cane once on the ground for emphasis. Jamie squeezed his hand, speaking up herself.

"My esteemed lord, surely there are more suited craftsmen for this work, yes? Perhaps one of the elven smiths from abroad?"

The lord, now distracted by Jamie's beauty almost as much as her words, scoffed.

"Surely not! I'll not have my money going someplace like that. Besides, John, no matter how disrespectful he may be, is recommended."

She continued in that soft, meek voice she adopted when trying to persuade someone in a higher social standing. "but surely there is great need for him in the city, with the great catastrophe? Your farmers will need axes and scythes for the harvest, and my lord must have the foresight to see that." She raised her voice, just a bit, at the end of her statement, drawing more wandering eyes to the conversation. Pompous though he was, Lord Davern knew how to act in the court, and bowed his head slightly.

"My lady, I would never think to be so unwise. I am ensuring the safety of my workers in farms and mines across Corone. Rest assured I should like to employ your services after this crisis is over, Mr. Cromwell," he finished, bowing to Jamie and walking away, trailed by a bodyguard and a manservant.

John breathed deeply. "I had it under control, you know."

Jamie giggled a little. "You did not! If I'd have let you handle the situation we'd both be facing mysterious tax increases and harassment from the local guards."

"Please," John entoned, leaving his cigar on his empty dinner plate. "I can handle myself?"

Her eyes widened "And what about me?"

"I can handle yourself too, you know," he said, pulling her closer.

Despite the most recent interruption, it was shaping up to be a pleasant evening.