Althanas FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Gold Pieces

The standard currency of Althanas is the Gold Piece (GP). Each region has a different name for their currencty, but most of the regions use gold as their standard form of exchange. As a member of Althanas, you will use GP to purchase items for your character in The Bazaar.

You earn GP much the same you earn EXP - by role-playing. At the end of each thread, the moderator, in addition to determing your character's EXP awards, will award your character a sum of GP. Large GP awards are also awarded at the end of tournaments.

Purchasing Items

Weapons, armor and other items can be purchased at the The Bazaar.

To purchase an item at the Bazaar, you must create thread in that forum. This thread can be detailed or simply contain an item request. All Bazaar threads are considered in-character. The moderator responding to your thread will mirror your quality. You are allowed to haggle in bazaar threads, but haggling will ONLY be successful if you put some detail into your post. If you purchase the item, the bazaar moderator will then deduct the cost of the item from your GP total, and you will be able to use the item. Do NOT use the item before the merchant deducts your GP and closes your Bazaar thread. If you do, any thread you participate in while using the item you will suffer a heavy loss in score and ultimately EXP & GP rewards.

If the Bazaar is not to your liking, some of the characters on Althanas are masters of their own trade and have set up their own shops. These shops can be located through word of mouth and occasionally some vendors will be given their own sub-forum to do business. These shops are much different in the respect that many of these shops have limited inventory or unique pricing schema. In these shops, you may also bring raw materials found on your adventures to be crafted to your liking. Since these shops are completely character driven, the best way to learn about them is to ask about and have a visit for yourself.

Selling Items Back

You can sell your items back in multiple ways:
  1. Directly to the Bazaar, for a fraction of what you bought it for. You may also request to have the item broken down into raw materials for later use. If you go the Bazaar route, just wait for a Merchant to approve of your transaction, and add the gold to your account.
  2. To another player through a private transaction done in character. Preferably this would be done in a quest format and span over a few posts as would any normal transaction between two people. Once the transaction is complete, it is subject to be judged just like a quest, or approved by Bazaar Staff to ensure balance. The character selling the item but then make sure that all records of owning the item are altered to clearly state they are no longer in possession of it.
  3. Take a visit to the Black Market.

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