
Type: Posts; User: Forbidden

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  1. Leaves chittered in the wind to answer the...

    Leaves chittered in the wind to answer the madman's laugh. Another human who has touched the Tap and allowed it to scour their senses. This boy's powers have minced his brains. Without a guide like...
  2. Replies

    What I note most from your descriptions is that...

    What I note most from your descriptions is that they are good, but you rarely use them. Most of this story you "tell" the reader what's happening/what things look or smell like. Often that means that...
  3. Ellenora hissed between her fangs as her tanto...

    Ellenora hissed between her fangs as her tanto stabbed only air. She slapped the blade back into its scabbard, forcing her elegant face to smile through a turmoil of hunger and frustration. The...
  4. Vitality returned to Nora's numbed limb as she...

    Vitality returned to Nora's numbed limb as she clenched and re-clenched tufts of dewy grass. Her right hand hid in the voluminous tresses of midnight hair, conjuring an orb of antimagic. Njal bless...
  5. Waning sun woke Ellenora in her cavern beneath...

    Waning sun woke Ellenora in her cavern beneath the crust of Althanas. When the planet's rotation turned Concordia's fair cheek away from the great God of fire and light, a change shook her leaves and...
  6. The wind stirred Nora's tangled hair and chilled...

    The wind stirred Nora's tangled hair and chilled her sweat slicked skin. With her body planted firmly in the earth she felt safe, close to Njal's embrace. She regained her breath but her left arm...
  7. "Yes," Ellenora agreed, trying not to lick her...

    "Yes," Ellenora agreed, trying not to lick her lips as she dragged out the sibilant sound. "Let us begin." Her tone insinuated a different struggle than deadly combat - one of equal sweat and...
  8. Nora chanced a glance upwards the wheeled shelf...

    Nora chanced a glance upwards the wheeled shelf crashed into one of its elder brother. Moonlight bathed the arena through the crystalline glass ceiling. It was beautiful, but had struck a dark chord...
  9. Ellenora Sekuerba Pope lay in meditation beneath...

    Ellenora Sekuerba Pope lay in meditation beneath the stream bank, water eddying and burbling steadily to her left. The solid earthen wall to her right, interwoven with young roots, hummed with Njal's...
  10. thank you! it would have been a very short battle...

    thank you! it would have been a very short battle if there was sun!

    A hauntingly familiar crooning wafted down the mineshaft on breaths of fresh air. Nora already missed the warmth and comfort...
  11. Nora hesitated for the barest moment, one smooth...

    Nora hesitated for the barest moment, one smooth leg forth and the other braced beneath. What fight does he speak of? The vampyre smiled wider to hide her trepidation. Could Njal have sent warning to...
  12. Night sky stretched over Radasanth like a moth...

    Night sky stretched over Radasanth like a moth eaten blanket, poorly mended patch-holes displaying stars and moon. The wind chased dust and crackling leaves along winding cobblestone streets. The...
  13. The lustiest of the shadows laying amongst the...

    The lustiest of the shadows laying amongst the trees stirred. Grass prickled her bare breasts as she peered over an earth-woven structure of oaken roots. A whimsical breeze brought her the virile...
  14. Replies

    My character is completely nocturnal right now,...

    My character is completely nocturnal right now, and allergic to the sun, so it would be swell if my battles could take place at night. I am ok with starting the battle or responding, but am waiting...
  15. Replies

    Hmm, I will remove the kama and just take the...

    Hmm, I will remove the kama and just take the other items please. Thank you!
  16. Replies

    Metal that moves the world

    Quick purchase, the following materials in iron please.

    3 kunai
    1 wakizashi
    1 tanto
    1 kama (with oak)
    6 caltrops in a leather bag

    They will be portrayed as old and worn so there will be no...
  17. Replies

    Sticky: Registered for the battle league.

    Registered for the battle league.
  18. Ellenora preferred the private dining room to the...

    Ellenora preferred the private dining room to the great hall. Although she adored the dance, she was habituated to enclosed spaces. She had grown up underground after all.

    "Aren't the drapes...
  19. A man stumbled to the stage from the shadows,...

    A man stumbled to the stage from the shadows, smoke encircling his head from the cigarette tucked betwixt his lips, ice clinking in his scotch. The drooping jaw and sightless eyes did not diminish...
  20. Replies

    Hmmm... this thread looks tailor-made for me! If...

    Hmmm... this thread looks tailor-made for me! If you'll have me, I'll make my song/ dance combo Sway - the Mambo. And I don't mind making a late entrance if that helps!
  21. I like the looks of both of your writing, but...

    I like the looks of both of your writing, but Mistletien's character seems exceedingly well suited to the overall concept of the quest. Congratulations Mistletien! Expect a PM from me sometime in the...
  22. You both seem... tasty. I'll wait until...

    You both seem... tasty. I'll wait until Mistletien gets a profile up before deciding. Still open to more applicants! I will also take a look at some previous writing from both of you... if you have...
  23. A Haidian Pilgrimage (looking for one partner)

    I am looking for one person to share a story with. The only prerequisites are as follows: you must be able to post once a week, willing to receive and provide constructive criticism, and brave enough...
  24. Replies

    *must* I say registered? (registered)

    *must* I say registered? (registered)
  25. The man burst from the bushes. More beast than...

    The man burst from the bushes. More beast than man, all brawn and brackish tongues. A boar could gore with its tusks but lef itself vulnerable to the side. Before he could start to charge Ellenora...
Results 1 to 25 of 37
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