"Well Zak, ahm raight pleased tuh meetcha." He hadn't really understood most of what the man said, but he rendedered the name down into something approaching what he knew. He let himself fall down into a chair next to the bed, the aged wood creaking in protest to his rough treatment, but not collapsing under his slight weight either. "Ah reckon we's stuck tugetha for a while longer heah. I have ever'than I own rightyea in mah pack." He patted the bag for emphasis, before continuing. "I reckon ahm in youh debt. Ahll be around heah a mite longer, but ahll have to leave out from here eventual. Reckon I ought ta get back where I'm after belongin anyhow." He had no idea how he'd manage it, but he fully attempted to get back to Virginia at some point, if it killed him, which though often hyperbolic, was in this case an all too accurate measure of the man involved. He was a soldier with a duty to his land, and he would discharge it, to the last full measure.