Actually, this was the character I created to invade a Wheel of Time RP, because I couldn't find a Sword of Truth RP to invade instead. They're kind of similar...I mean, Terry Goodkind did pretty much plagiarize the premise of 'Eye of the World' for 'Wizard's First Rule' and most of 'Stone of Tears'...right? Terry Goodkind is one of those people that, if I ever saw him RPing, I would feel duty bound to kill his characters, if just to be spiteful...

The RP has actually turned out to be decent, though, and Maus has become something of a new pet character for me. It'll be interesting to flesh him out as a combatant here, and see if any of my opponents manages to put him in a situation which will force me to reveal his secret, which has popped itself into my brain in the past few days, before culminating as a proper idea.

No, it's not a special power, although I imagine it may leave a certain sort of character momentarily surprised, and possibly shocked.

And thanks for the pointer on 'seems'. Seems I have another word that has inserted itself one too many times into my subconscious. Must purge my brain. Will purge my brain. Last time, it was 'gunmetal', in reference to the texture.

Well, anyways, thanks for judging, and I expect we'll meet again through the course of the tournament.