Given the interest in the MQs for Retribution Dawning, I've decided to set up a fourth for players to get their teeth into. This will also take place during the first weeks of the chapter, simultaneously to the other MQ (Spring's First Crimson Blossoms) that's been announced so far. The premise is as follows...

Xem'zund is nothing if not a cunning commander. While he draws out Nalith's main force with himself as bait, his intention is to send a secondary army, under command of one of the few remaining Death Lords in which he can completely trust, to strike at Eluceliniel. The Death Lord in question has to find the fortress first, though... and Nalith has not left it completely undefended.

GM: I will be looking for an active GM to take charge of this, as I will most likely have my hands full with the other MQs. If people would like to participate but nobody volunteers to GM, I'll see what I can do.

Players: Ideally three or four, with no restriction whatsoever on levels, but this in the end depends on interest and GM preference. The quest can be played in multiple manners... as a battle between two different perspectives, or from a single viewpoint (either defender or undead) as they attempt to fight off the enemy / locate Eluceliniel and destroy it respectively. Again, how you want to play this is completely up to you.

Post here if you're interested, and we can work things out from there!