Jake Level 5

Agility (x4)- Jake’s slim form gives him great agility. He is able to perform feats which would greatly trouble most adults, such as scaling walls and trees, climbing ropes and avoiding obstacles. This ability is also a great asset to Jake in fighting. Because he is not especially strong, his strategy often involves dodging attacks, running away then shooting his foe from a safe distance. Jake is also able to perform a variety of acrobatic movements including flips, handsprings, and walkovers.

Endurance (x6)- Jake's training and experience has earned him much greater than average stamina, as well as an increased tolerance for physical damage and pain.

Speed (x5)- After slaying and absorbing power from a vampire one snowy night in Concordia, Jake's natural quickness has become something more.
Updates to Agility, Endurance and Speed are 3x PL 6 (up from 4, 5, 4)

Finesse - Due to Jake's extensive training with swords and stick weapons, any attack he performs with an edged or blunt weapon lands with 5x the force one would expect. This allows him to easily disarm unsuspecting opponents, and cleave through armor and tough skin/muscle/bone.
Needs clarification from Breaker but a preliminary PL6

Ethereal Charge - After fighting his former friend Amari in a thread that is yet to be written, Jake has learned to combat entities on all planes of existence. He can charge one item (usually a sword) with an ethereal energy. This increases the item's strength by two tiers, and enables it to interact with essentially anything. This includes (but is not limited to) killing ghosts, plansewalkers, or otherwise ethereal characters, and fending off/severing otherwise untouchable elements such as Amari's tentacles. Jake can perform this ability for as long as he has the strength to fight. When active, the charged weapon warms to his touch and glows.
Two abilities here in my book; an upgrade of weapon strength by two tiers (PL6) and an ability to interfere or interact with things outside of Althanas's existential plane.(PL5)

All other abilities as they were.

One ability over the cap

APL= 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 +5 + 6 + 5 / 12 = 5.81

APL < 6
