The sun beat down with its normal hue of blood red and sand peach heat bouncing off anything that stood more than a single meter off the ground. Zelrius had just walked out the Keep, in which he was housed and lived by order of the Priestess of Suravani and the Jya. It had been sometime since he had arrived, starving and about to die of thirst on a boat before the great city of Irrakam. However, that tale was one to be told another day. With the current weather, many carried about their day as it was normal. Vesuvius was far more than content for the first time since his service began, he had been sent into the desert many a time, and it was this time, he was simply on Patrol. More importantly: Outlander watch.

It was no secret that every day many attempts were made each and every day for Outlander’s to sneak out of the Quarter and into the grand city. Vesuvius had been accused himself of being an escapee. Most in Fallien were Dark skinned, Haired, and eyed. Also being small in stature but strong, The Fallien were a hardy and long working people. Zelrius was the complete opposite. He focused on intelligence above strength and was more mischievous and devout to the Religion than most in the area. The more notable appearance being he was pale-skinned, A bit taller than the locals, and his dark set blue eyes. Once more, a Tale from another time. The point here: The boy was more than aware of what made and Outlander so easily noticeable.

With a small stroll and whistle through the street, Zelrius was stopped short by the gate of Outlander’s quarter. At the gate was a commotion, Some guards were holding weapons, others were holding sand-moves. The sand-moves were used to quickly dig up and replace sand above a silicon-bomb. By the time Zelrius saw that it wasn’t the guards holding the moves, the explosion went off, taking the boy off his feet,and also than killing several of the military men by the Quarter.